Articles |
Author |
Title |
Patricia Parker | The Merry Wives of Windsor and Shakespearean Translation |
Jeanne Moskal | The Picturesque and the Affectionate in Wollstonecraft's Letters from Norway |
Susan de Sola Rodstein | Sweetness and Dark: George Eliot's "Brother Jacob" |
Joseph Carroll | Pater's Figures of Perplexity |
Reviews |
Author |
Title |
Peter Sacks | Joshua Scodel, The English Poetic Epitaph: Commemoration and Conflict from Jonson to Wordsworth |
Thomas M. Kavanagh | Joan DeJean, Tender Geographies: Women and the Origins of the Novel in France |
John Allen Stevenson | Ruth Bernard Yeazell, Fictions of Modesty: Women and Courtship in the English Novel |
Michelle M. Dowd | Ross Posnock, The Trial of Curiosity: Henry James, Williams James, and the Challenge of Modernity |
Paul Giles | Jonathan Dollimore, Sexual Dissidence: Augustine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault |