Elder Friendly Futures Conference October 8-9, 2014

Building Elder Friendly Futures Locally and Globally

University of Washington Campus, HUB | October 8-9, 2014

Building upon the success of the 2013 conference, we will again bring together researchers, practitioners, administrators, policy-makers and educators to discuss the opportunities and challenges to building elder-friendly futures.

Informational sessions will include: Plenary Panel: Innovations in Dementia Care, Legal Issues: Elder Law, Guardianship and More, New Technology to Support Aging in Place, State of the Science: Behavioral Health and Aging, Aging in Poverty: the Politics of Marginalization & Inequities for Both Rural and Urban Adults and many more! Check complete program updates on the website:

Reduced Attendee Fee:

Like last year EFF is offering a limited number of reduced fee registrations for those that need financial support to attend. If you are interested or know someone who might be please send them to the application found on the website:

Who Should Attend:

  • Practitioners
  • Educators
  • Older Adults
  • Community Professionals
  • Researchers
  • Industry Reps
  • Service Providers
  • Long Term Care Providers

Poster Session & Innovation Showcase: Submit Your Applications to Participate!

Applications for the Innovation Showcase and Poster Sessions are due September 2nd! Come share your research or innovative ideas at the conference!

Remember, register now to take advantage of early bird rates!

We look forward to seeing you in October!



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