My name is Mike Prothman and I work for the Bridge Shelter in downtown Seattle. We are a shelter focusing on harm reduction by providing interim housing for homeless individuals who frequently would not be able to stay at other shelters because they are active drug or alcohol users.  Our goal is to provide the people who need it the most a home where they can feel safe and start the process of stabilizing their lives no matter their situation.

The only real qualifications we have are reliability and a STRONG belief in our mission.

Open positions



Creating Co-Regulation Supports for Adolescents: What, Why, and How

Date: Monday, May 20

Time: 3:00-4:00 PM Eastern  (12-1 Pacific)

Click here to register

Description: The term “co-regulation” has typically referred to younger children, but is now being broadly applied to describe an interactive process of support within the context of caring relationships across the lifespan. Like early childhood, early adolescence is a time of rapid brain growth, with the opportunity to build long-term perspective and problem-solve increasingly complex life situations. 

Although peers become increasingly important during adolescence, youth still need caring adults who can listen supportively, model and reinforce healthy coping strategies, provide space and support when they experience strong feelings, and help them reflect on how well their strategies are helping them attain important goals. Adolescence is a critical time for co-regulation support. Unfortunately, most prevention programs for adolescent self-regulation do not train parents and teachers to systematically and intentionally utilize such strategies in day-to-day interactions with youth. 

This webinar will present a co-regulation model for adolescents that was developed based on cross-disciplinary theory and literature reviews. The initial work on this model was supported by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) through the creation of the Self-Regulation and Toxic Stress Series. 

The presentation will: 
– provide ACF’s rationale for this work; 
– describe the co-regulation model and how it can be translated into specific actions; and 
– address how co-regulation approaches are similar to and differ from parent education and therapy programs, how they can be integrated into existing programs, and how they can promote well-being on a public health scale.

– Desiree Murray, Senior Research Scientist, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
– Aleta Meyer, Team Lead, Division of Family Strengthening, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families 
– Aly Frei, Project Director, Public Strategies 

UAA IT is hiring a Tech Support Student Assistant!

Undergraduate Academic Affairs (UAA) shapes, advances and stewards a world-class undergraduate academic experience for students at the University of Washington. Staff, faculty and students in UAA deepen and enrich the learning experience for all undergraduates, recognizing and supporting the unique learning path of each individual student and the commitment of each academic program to excellence in learning and teaching. Some of the many departments within UAA include First Year Programs, Undergraduate Academic Advising, Carlson Leadership and Public Service Center, Undergraduate Research Program, Dream Project and Honors Program. UAA IT within UAA supports the 19 departments within UAA by providing technical support and IT consulting services.

At the University of Washington, diversity is integral to excellence. We value and honor diverse experiences and perspectives, strive to create welcoming and respectful learning environments, and promote access, opportunity and justice for all.

As part of our commitment to the student experience, UAA will review each student employee’s academic progress via GPA reviews. The intent of these grade checks is to offer our student employees holistic support and connect students to resources and academic support services should the need arise. These reviews will begin after you complete your first quarter of employment. GPA reviews have no impact on your selection for the position or your standing as an employee once you begin employment.

Job Description

UAA seeks an hourly student assistant (undergraduate or graduate). This Tech Support Student Assistant has general duties to provide day-to-day basic tech support to the staff. In addition, the Tech Support Student Assistant will be responsible for preparing new PC and Mac workstations and deploying workstations to clients.

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NEW HRSA-branded WWAMI AHEC Scholars Program.

Here is a link for students to register their email. Once they register their email, we will send them out the new application link as soon as it is available.

  1. Student email registration link:
  2. Here is the link to our website:
  3. Attached is a flyer that captures the basics of the program.

This is a two-year program. Students should be interested in serving underserved and/or rural patients and must commit to 40 hours of didactics through our courses and 40 hours of community/experiential/clinical (CEC) hours each year for 2 years . CEC hours can be through their primary program as long as the site is underserved or rural. Most of all, they should be interested in inter-professional (IPE) experiences and training, For most programs, first-year students are ideal.  We have an online version of the course for students who need that (with ZOOM meetings). The Seattle campus cohort will meet at 5:30pm, with the first class starting in January for the new cohort. See more information in this flyer: Scholarship Details

My name is Omar Cuevas Vega and I work at Statewide Poverty Action Network. I wanted to share a paid summer internship opportunity that we will hosting. I am attaching the description. Feel free to send to both the BSW and MSW listservs. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

Listening Session Intern FINAL

Listening Session Intern19

Office:  (206) 694-6867 |

Beyond Bars: Higher Education and Carceral Space
Speaker: Gillian Harkins
Tuesday, May 28, 2:30 to 3:20 p.m.
Room 220, Odegaard
RSVP for this free event:

Send questions:
This is an Advances in Higher Education Research Seminar: Gillian Harkins is an associate professor of English and adjunct associate professor of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies at the UW.  She specializes in cultural studies of the novel and contemporary sexual politics as well as the intersection between education justice and prison abolition. She currently works with three regional higher education in prison programs in the Puget Sound Area.
Sponsored by the Center for Teaching & Learning, this seminar series highlights original research in college-level learning and instruction. Multidisciplinary in scope, each seminar addresses the broad themes of our work as instructors, including the cognitive processes by which students learn, and the classroom context in which they do so.
All seminars are free and open to the public. Presentations will be followed by a Q&A session and opportunities for discussion.

For more information:


Seattle Municipal Court will be having an Outreach Event on May 9th at Garfield Community Center.

We will be helping people resolve tickets and relicensing through a payment plan.

We will be able to help people to quash a warrant, but these cases can only be at Seattle Municipal Court.

We are adding a new connection for people with prior criminal history convictions.  A King County Public Defense representative will conduct intakes to determine, if they qualify to have their past conviction vacated.

In addition, we will have the following social service linkages:

  • YWCA with eye glass vouchers and referrals to insurance and treatment
  • Goodwill and Urban League with job linkages
  • DSHS will help with applying for food stamps and state benefits.
  • Representative with Seattle City Light Discount program
  • King County Metro with help with getting an ORCA card
  • There will be behavioral help and SUD linkages with Navos and Cowlitz.
  • HEP – Will be doing on site Hepatitis C testing on site.

I have attached the outreach flyer, press release and a brochure of our Community Resource Center.  If you would like additional information for the service offered for the people who cannot attend the event, please let me know I can forward you a flyer.


If you have any questions,  I can be reached at 206-684-8707

Michele Witzki (She/Her/Hers)

Rising seniors, graduating seniors, alumni, graduate and professional students interested in gaining relevant professional experience in Asia may be interested in applying for the Luce Scholars Program: This is a great opportunity for those with little or no prior experience in, or education about, Asian countries to add this valuable perspective to their future career interests! Please share widely with students in your programs (with the exception of Asian Studies – apologies!).

UW is able to nominate 3 students/alumni per year to compete nationally for the opportunity to spend 12 months in Asia. The program provides stipends, language training and individualized professional placement in Asia for fifteen to eighteen young Americans each year.

Information sessions starting next week:

Please join us to learn more about the program and nomination process:


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Join our Team

Calling all people passionate about improving equity in education!

Pipeline is hiring positions that begin September 1st, 2019. Applications are due May 12th and 19th!

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Want to see nine UW graduate students from across the disciplines present their work in three minutes while competing for cash prizes? Attend the third annual UW Three Minute Thesis Competition Thursday, May 9, 4:30–6 p.m. in room HUB 145 on Seattle campusDoors open at 4 p.m. This event is free and seating is limited. 

In front of five esteemed judges, graduate students will compete for First Place ($1,500), Runner Up ($700), and People’s Choice ($300). The audience will vote for the People’s Choice Award! Following the presentations is a reception with free light foods and refreshments. 

See winners from past competitions!

UW 3MT is a partnership between Core Programs—Office of Graduate Student Affairs in The Graduate School and UW Libraries Research Commons. Prizes are sponsored by The Graduate School. Send questions to UW 3MT.

Read more

Students in the MSW research series have developed survey tools and would really appreciate it if you could complete one or two, if possible.

Your fellow students thank you!


“Health Literacy Evaluation of Social Work Students.”

Name of researcher: Samantha Wells,

Audience:  All students in the school of social work. BSW, MSW (All cohorts Day, advanced, & EDP), and Ph.D students.

Deadline May 13th


“Harm reduction perceptions and needs among UW MSW students”

Name of researcher: Maro Ter-Ogannisyan (

Audience: All UW MSW students

Survey link:

Deadline: May 13th

Join the Q Crew!

The Q Center is hiring enrolled undergraduate and graduate students for two Program Coordinator positions beginning in Fall 2019.  Visit our online application to learn about the roles, desired qualifications, and compensation.  Applications are due by May 17th at 10am, and early application is strongly encouraged since candidates will be contacted for interviews on a rolling basis.  Please feel free to share the announcement with your networks!

Questions? Contact or 206-897-1430.

Hello UW Community and Partners!

Wondering about life after graduation? Curious about the career opportunities for your degree and wondering what life will look like five years from now?
Interested in connecting with global health organizations?
Want to hear from some experts in the field about their work?
Thinking about joining the Peace Corps?
Want to have fun and show off your trivia knowledge?

Then join us for these exciting events during GLOBAL HEALTH CAREER WEEK!

Read more

We are pleased to share our two-day schedule and keynote presentations for the upcoming symposium this weekend! The full Program will be available tomorrow and will be posted on our Website!

“The Living Breath of wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ” Indigenous Foods and Ecological Knowledge Symposium

wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ” 4249 Whitman Court, Seattle, WA 98195

University of Washington, Seattle, Washington,

May 3rd and 4th  2019

Register at

  • We will also have a traditional healer at our event, Lisa Watts (Tseshaht/Nuu-chah-nulth) who will be available to do healing work with attendees. We will introduce Lisa at the symposium.

“Reclaiming Food as Family Medicine”

This symposium brings people together to share knowledge on topics such as traditional foods, plants and medicines; environmental and food justice; food sovereignty; health and wellness; and treaty rights.  Indigenous peoples in the Northwest have maintained a sustainable way of life through a cultural, spiritual, and reciprocal relationship with their environment. This symposium serves to foster dialogue and build collaborative networks as we, Native peoples, strive to sustain our cultural food practices and preserve our healthy relationships to the land, water, and all living things.

Information on past events:

Visit our website,,

Facebook, and

Twitter @LivingBreathUW #livingbreath2018 #indigenousknowledge.






UW Filipino Graduation 2019


My name is Benze Deraco and I am the current Academics Chair for the Filipino American Student Association. Are you a current student at the UW that will be graduating this academic year? Do you want to celebrate your achievement in a smaller, more cultural environment?
Well every year, Filipino Graduation is held to celebrate students graduating within the Filipinx community here at UW. Whether you are a part of a Filipinx student organization or Identify as Filipina, Filipinx, or Filipino, fill out this form if you would like to participate in this wonderful ceremony centered around you and your graduating class’s achievement! It will be held at the Intellectual House on June 8th from 3:30pm-7pm.
Additionally I would like to know a little about you so please fill out the additional questions below! I will be following up with emails as the date gets closer as well as specific details 🙂
Thank you so much and I look forward to celebrating your achievement along with the rest of the Filipinx community, you can contact me if you have any questions

Benze Deraco

Looking for Volunteers!  

Interested in sharing your culture in a local elementary school? You are invited to volunteer at FIUTS Global Ambassador Day at TOPS K-8 School! Prepare and teach an interactive lesson for 1st-5th grade students about a country you consider home. All UW international students or domestic students with a significant cultural connection to a country other than the U.S. are encouraged to participate.   


Where: TOPS K-8 School  

When: Wednesday, May 15th 11:30am – 2:30pm 

Lesson Planning Workshop: Wednesday, May 8th 12:00-2:00pm in Allen Red C 


Global Ambassador Day is a great opportunity to share your unique culture with local kids, meet new UW students, and build communication, lesson planning, and teaching skills. FIUTS will help prepare volunteers to create a successful, interactive lesson at the Ambassador Lesson Planning Workshop on Wednesday, May 8th from 12:00-2:00pm. Lessons can include song, dance, art, geography, language practice, food and more! 


To sign up, please fill out this online form by Tuesday, May 7th.  Questions? Contact Kailyn Swarthout at or come to the FIUTS office in HUB 206.

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