Bureau of Indian Affairs
TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE John Mosley Branch Chief, Tribal Climate Resilience Office of Trust Services |
COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS Andi Wilson Grants Management Officer Division of Acquisition Management U.S Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Mail Stop – 244 Reston, VA 20192 (571) 560-0398 |
More information on the Bureau of Indian Affairs programs can be found at http://www.bia.gov/WhoWeAre/index.htm.
BIA Instructions for CESU Projects SEP2020
BIA_Instructions for new BIA staff and management wanting to begin a CESU coop agreement
BIA_Justification For Financial Assistance Awards2017
Education, Research, and Technical Assistance Needs
While the potential range of our involvement is wide, high importance is placed upon future work on climate change adaptation including the unique impacts to traditional cultural uses. Of particular interest for future work is the potential for shared benefits from integration of traditional ecological knowledge and current adaptive management to address ecosystem resilience.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) mission is to enhance the quality of life, to promote the economic opportunity, and to carry out the responsibility to protect and improve the trust assets of American Indians, Indian tribes, and Alaska Natives. There is a Central Office (Washington, DC and satellite offices) and twelve Regional Offices. Those offices that we anticipate may have some interest in participating in CESU projects include Regional Offices (12) and the following divisions within the Office of Trust Services:
- Division of Real Estate Services- provides assistance, advice, polity, oversight, monitoring, and coordination for the protection, management, planning, conservation, development, and utilization of trust and restricted Federal Indian-owned lands that include acquisition, disposal, tenure, rights-of-way, permits, leasing, and sales. The division manages the Cadastral Survey program to determine legal boundaries on Indian land.
- Division of Natural Resources- provides coordination, mana,gement, planning, oversight, and monitoring for development and protection of trust natural resources, protection of Indian water rights, water development projects, litigation support, attorney fees, and fish and wildlife resources. The division provides direction and guidance for all activities related to the planning, management, conservation, development, and utilization of soil, water, farmland, rangeland, fish, and wildlife resources and endangered species.
- Division of Forestry and Wildland Fire Management- responsible for providing coordination, management, planning, oversight, and monitoring for activities related to development, enhancement and protection of trust forest resources including the National Wildland Fire Program. The division exercises program oversight and provides planning and scheduling of Bureau-wide forestry activities at the national level to ensure that regulatory and policy requirements are followed and that technical standards of sound forest management are upheld.
- Division of Water and Power- responsible for irrigation construction, dam rehabilitation and the operation and maintenance of dams, irrigation, and power projects. The scope of responsibilities include engineering management, operations and maintenance involving over 135 dams, numerous large irrigation projects, more than 100 irrigation systems and several large revenue generating power operations.