Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

National Park Service


Alison Ainsworth
Science Advisor/Ecologist
National Park Service, Regions 8, 9, 10, and 12
Co-Lead Pacific Northwest CESU and Great Basin CESU
School of Environmental and Forest Sciences (Anderson Hall, Room 15)
Box 352100
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195


Erica Cordeiro
Branch Chief
CESU Financial Assistance West

NPS Forms and Instructions are available here:

Key Education, Research, and Technical Assistance Needs


  • Strengthen  partnerships with the academic and scientific communities to promote research that enhances the management of protected natural areas and heritage sites
  • Develop more collaborations with agency and university partners (projects, expert workshops, etc.) to define science and planning needs in response to climate change
  • Develop adaptation strategies for coping with climate change
  • Research and training in conservation of global species and environmental pollution
  • Develop interagency interdisciplinary research, technical assistance, and education programs that integrate cultural and natural resource concerns and that provide avenues of communication between disciplines.

Technical Assistance

  • Develop efficient ways to monitor the vital signs of natural systems
  • Develop effective ways of sharing natural system monitoring information so that these data are useful to the surrounding agencies and communities outside the parks
  • Training in restoration ecology