Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)
National Park Service
Alison Ainsworth |
Erica Cordeiro |
NPS Forms and Instructions are available here:
Key Education, Research, and Technical Assistance Needs
- Strengthen partnerships with the academic and scientific communities to promote research that enhances the management of protected natural areas and heritage sites
- Develop more collaborations with agency and university partners (projects, expert workshops, etc.) to define science and planning needs in response to climate change
- Develop adaptation strategies for coping with climate change
- Research and training in conservation of global species and environmental pollution
- Develop interagency interdisciplinary research, technical assistance, and education programs that integrate cultural and natural resource concerns and that provide avenues of communication between disciplines.
Technical Assistance
- Develop efficient ways to monitor the vital signs of natural systems
- Develop effective ways of sharing natural system monitoring information so that these data are useful to the surrounding agencies and communities outside the parks
- Training in restoration ecology