Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)
University of Alaska Anchorage
Matthew Carlson |
Aaron Dotson |
Key Research, Technical Assistance, and Education Strengths
- Existing interdisciplinary research units (Environment and Natural Resources Institute and Institute of Social and Economic Research) with long experience doing place-based research.
- Extensive local knowledge of Alaska–geography, geology, ecology, economy, politics, relevant world natural resource market conditions, emerging management challenges, and the logistics of how to conduct research, including statewide telephone surveys.
- Special expertise in human dimensions of ecosystem structure, function, and management, especially the interface between remote small communities and surrounding wildlands
- Long history of working with Native people, local people, and nonprofit groups on collaborative research. Good contacts with agencies, NGOs, policymakers
- Special expertise in fisheries and tourism economics and management issues, ability to analyze behavioral responses to ecosystem management initiatives