Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

University of British Columbia



Murdoch McAllister
Associate Professor
Quantitative Modeling Group
Institute for the Oceans and
The University of British Columbia
AERL, 2202 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4
Phone: (604) 822-3693


Sharon Wu

Managing Director

Research Support Services (RSS)

The University of British Columbia

Suite 102 – 6190 Agronomy Road

Vancouver, BC  Canada V6T 1Z3

Phone: (604) 827-5279

Key Research, Technical Assistance, and Education Strengths

  • Frameworks for ecosystem sustainability: harvest scheduling and timber supply analysis, wildlife habitat analysis, strategies and tactics to sustain vertebrate diversity in forested ecosystems, stand-level modeling of alternative silviculture systems, modeling of sustainability of ecosystems in mixed forests, nutrient cycling, carbon allocation
  • Criteria/indicators/standards for sustainable forestry: monitoring and effectiveness assessment, including development and monitoring of certification standards for assessing forest management practices, role of forestry in the global carbon cycle, monitoring impact of forest practices on environment
  • Salmon stream/riparian zone management: forest hydrology, aquatic biodiversity, windthrow assessment, and management, effects of habitat restoration on fish habitat/ecology/physiology, benthic invertebrates and amphibians
  • Visual resource management and public perception: forest landscape planning, landscape assessment and perception, modeling of human/ landscape interactions, conflicts in outdoor recreation and tourism
  • Genetics of forest flora and fauna: impacts of forest management on genetic diversity, physiological genetics of forest trees, application of genetic markers to studies of mating systems, adaptations to climate change, strategies for gene conservation
  • Graduate programs in forest management, forest science, and conservation biology
  • First Nations professional training program
  • Professional continuing education through FMIBC (Forest Management Institute of B. C.)

UBC website

UBC Forestry website