Ella received Psychology Department Scholar Award!
Jovani received Psychology Department Service Award!
Layla and Maryam received the James Steele Endowed Scholarship!
Congratulations to graduates! Maryam, Mari, Jon, Camila, Daniel, Sumedha. Sumedha will attend University of British Columbia as an undergraduate.
Ella received SPSP Jenessa Shapiro Graduate Research Award!
Amanda Montoya got tenure at UCLA!
Congratulations to graduates! Xiaoya, Felice, Angel, Elisa, Nathan, Eirmioni. Xiaoya will attend University of Chicago for a Masters in Social Sciences, Angel will be working at Amazon, Nathan will be attending Northwestern as an undergraduate, Eirmioni will be attending UW as an undergraduate.
Sapna received an honorable mention for the UW Graduate Mentoring Award!
Ella received the Distinguished Teaching Award 2023!
Maryam received a $18,000 scholarship from the Robinson Center!
Xiaoya, Angel, and Felice presented their posters at the Mary Gates Symposium.
Felice presented her honors research project at the Psychology Honors Research Symposium.
Ella won the PDS Merit Award for 2023!
Felice won Guthrie Honors Research Award!
Xiaoya got accepted to an MA Program in Social Sciences at the University of Chicago with $30,000 scholarship!
Congratulations to our high-school RAs for their college acceptances! Eirmioni got accepted to UW. Nathan got accepted to NYU, Northwestern, and UW.
Jovani got runner-up for SPSP Graduate Student Poster Award!
Felice got runner-up for SPSP Undergraduate Student Poster Award!
Linh got accepted into the SPUR 2023 program to work with Dr. Erin Hennes at the University of Missouri.
Linda Nguyen will be starting as an assistant professor at the Seattle University Albers School of Business and Economics in Fall 2023!
Felice, Annie, and Giovanna won SPSP Undergraduate Diversity Awards!
Jovani won both SPSP Graduate Student Diversity Award and SPSP Graduate Student Travel Award!
Giovanna got approved to do a Tedx Talk in Brazil!
Ella, Gregg, and Linda all got their SPSP Talks accepted!
Sapna receives the 2022 SESP Diversity Science Award!
Oliver Yan will be attending NYU for a Masters in Psychology.
Felice won Guthrie Honors Research Award!
Sapna received the 2022 SESP Diversity Science Award!
Congratulations to our graduates! Linh, Natasha, June, Bellamie, Jillian, Clarissa, Anni, and Giovanna.
Terrènce got a job at Meta!
Terrènce was awarded the Bolles Graduate Student Fellowship!
Terrènce received the Distinguished Teaching Award!
Ella received the Alcor Graduate Fellowship!
SIBL received 2 postdoc positions through the NSF SBE Award!
Ella received summer funding from the UW Psychology Department!
Bellamie, Felice, Jillian, Linh, and Natasha presented their research projects at the UW Mary Gates Research Symposium.
Natasha and Linh presented their honors research projects at the Psychology Honors Research Symposium.
Laura V. and Jovani received the HHMI Gilliam Fellowship!
Fasika received the UW GSEE Graduate Diversity Fellowship!
Linda Zou received the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious Early-Career Faculty Award!
Fasika received the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
Felice received the Mary Gates Scholarship!
Laura was awarded the Bolles Graduate Student Fellowship!
Fasika received honorable mention for the Ford Foundation Fellowship!
Jovani, Ella, and Terènce were part of the SPSP Disrupting Racism and Eurocentrism in Methods and Practices Workshop!
Ella won SPSP Graduate Student Poster Award!
Adriana Germano will be starting as an assistant professor at the Yale School of Management in Fall 2023!
The masculine defaults paper received the Wegner Theoretical Innovation Prize!
Congratulation to Laura V. and Ella for having their talks accepted at the Haas Culture Conference!
Congratulation to Laura V. and Sapna for having their talks accepted for SPSP!
Congratulation to Ella, Jovani, and Katie for having their posters accepted for SPSP!
Clarissa was selected as a Martin Robin Family Achievement Scholar. This is a full-ride scholarship that helps community college students transfer to UW.
Adriana and Sapna have their symposia accepted to the SESP 2021 conference.
Sapna is elected to the Washington State Academy of Sciences!
Laura V. wins the Department Distinguished TA Award!
Lu, Oliver Yan, and Natasha present their research projects at the Mary Gates Symposium.
Jovani receives SPSP Diversity Undergraduate Registration Award!
Congratulations to Laura V., Laura B. and Jovani for having their posters accepted for SPSP!
Adriana's SPSP grant accepted to create multiracial scholars network!
Adriana wins a GO-MAP fellowship for next year!
Congratulations to our RAs attending graduate school in the fall! Sereen will attend the University of Michigan for a Masters of Science in Information. Rika will attend Alliant University for a PsyD in Clinical Psychology. Qianru will attend University College London for a Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Tino will attend UW for a PhD in Social Welfare. Michelle will attend Azusa Pacific University for a Masters in Research Psychology and Data Analytics. Cassie will attend University at Buffalo for a PhD in Social Psychology.
Adriana won the Psychology Distinguished Teaching Award for Graduate Students!
Adriana receives the Psychology Distinguished Teaching Award for Graduate Students!
Terrence receives the Graduate Training Committee and Graduate Program Action Committee department service awards!
Adriana wins the Alcor award!
Terrence and Adriana give talks at SPSP.
Allison Master accepted an assistant professor job at University of Houston!
Terrence got a summer internship at Facebook!
Tino accepted into UW Social Welfare PhD program
Julia and Ahmed received travel awards for SPSP
Ella was awarded an SPSP travel award
Adriana won registration and travel awards to present at SPSP’s 2019 Summer Institute in Social and Personality Psychology (SISPP) hosted by New York University!
Linda receives a GO-MAP dissertation fellowship!
Congrats to everyone heading to graduate school in the fall! Joey will be attending Penn State for the PhD program in Human Development and Family Studies. Shi will be attending the University of Michigan for the Masters program in Human-Computer Interaction/Data Science. Kengthsagn will be attending Stanford for the PhD program in Social Psychology. Fasika will be attending UW for our PhD program in Social/Personality Psychology. Lin will be attending Washington University of St. Louis for the Masters program in Business Analytics.
Sapna receives the UW Psychology graduate mentor award.
Alya has been awarded the Mary Gates Scholarship for her work in the lab. Congratulations Alya!
Former lab manager Amanda accepted an Assistant Professor position at UCLA. Congratulations Amanda!
Linda receives the WISIR Grant Award! Terrence receives an NSF Honorable Mention.
Adriana's poster is a finalist for the SPSP Graduate Student Poster Award!
Linda attends SISSP, the prestigious summer social and personality psychology institute for graduate students!
Sapna is the recipient of an early career award from the International Society for Self and Identity (ISSI). The award is given to a researcher who has "made especially impressive contributions to the field within their first 10 years of obtaining a Ph.D."
Congrats to all of our RAs starting graduate school in the fall: Tino (UW), Sullivan (Berkeley), Tiffany (Harvard), and Josh (SPU)!
Tino wins the Guthrie Prize for his honors thesis! Congrats to Tino and his mentor Linda!
Linda receives the Robert C. Bolles Graduate Fellowship Fund to fund her work on intergroup relations.
Sapna will spend her sabbatical at Stanford’s Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.
Linda receives the SPSP Graduate Student Travel Award!
Congratulations to SIBL Members Graduating from UW!
SIBL does research at the Pacific Science Center's UW Paws-On-Science.
Ellie has been admitted to the Work and Organizations PhD program in Business Administration at the University of Minnesota! Congratulations Ellie!
Jackson was hired as a Peer Support Specialist for Behavioral Health Resources (BHR) where they provide mental health and addition recovery services! Congrats Jackson!
Sullivan received an Undergraduate Travel Award from the UW in order to attend the National Conference on Undergraduate Research.
Linda receives the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! Congrats Linda!
Sapna met President Obama!!!!! Sapna was invited to the White House for Computer Science Education Week, and she got to meet and talk to President Obama during the event. The White House announced a computer science classroom design prize based on our lab’s research. A photo of Sapna and President Obama is featured on the White House photographer’s year, and the specific photo is linked here.
Sullivan Swift has been awarded the Mary Gates Scholarship for her work in the lab. Congratulations Sullivan!
Google made changes to conference rooms based on Sapna’s research. Sapna’s work is featured at 39:10 in this talk from Google about changing their conference rooms based on Sapna’s work on environments.
Ellie Stillwell recently received an Undergraduate Travel Award from the UW in order to attend the Stanford Undergraduate Psychology Conference.
Previous SIBL graduate student, Jennifer Wang, recently accepted a position at Western Washington University. She’ll be teaching at the University of Washington this summer, and beginning at WWU this coming fall.
Ellie has received the Mary Gates Scholarship for her work in the lab. Congratulations Ellie!
One of SIBL’s research assistants, Savannah, was nominated by the University of Washington for the Beinecke Scholarship. If selected, she could receive $34,000 for her graduate school education.
Congratulations to our undergraduate researchers Alejandro, Natalie, Amanda, Hyejin, Ricardo, Bridget, Drake, Amia, and Nathasha who graduated with their bachelor’s degrees from the University of Washington. You will go on to do great things!
Oliver defended his dissertation on the relationship between independent self-construal and colorblind policies. Congratulations Oliver!
SIBL Honors Student Amanda Montoya has been awarded the Guthrie Prize for Best Empirical Paper by the UW Psychology Department. The Guthrie Prize is awarded annually for excellent writing in psychology that is both broad in scope and accessible to the non-specialist.
Congratulations to Caitlin Handron, who will be studying Social Psychology at Stanford University, Wenwen Ni who will be attending UCLA to study Social Psychology, and Pete Ondish who will be studying Social Psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Congrats everyone, best of luck!
Oliver has been selected as one of the winners of the 2013 Department of Psychology Distinguished Teaching Award for Graduate Students. Congratulations Oliver!
Caitlin Handron received the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations Caitlin!
Oliver has been selected as the 2013 Summer Hunt Fellow. Congratulations Oliver!
Amanda and Wenwen recently received an Undergraduate Travel Award from the UW in order to attend the SPSP conference in New Orleans, LA.
Oliver has been selected to participate in the 2013 Career Planning Dinner series!
Amanda has received the Mary Gates Scholarship for her work in the lab. Congratulations Amanda!
Congratulations to all the SIBL members that have been accepted to graduate school! Marissa Vichayapai will attend the UW’s Master in Social Work program, while Emmerline Wu will be a student of Human Centered Design & Engineering. Glad to have you two close! Congratulations also to David Bourgin, who will be studying Social Psychology at UC Berkeley, and Lauren Hudson who will also attend UC Berkeley for Law. Finally, Sarah Grover will study Social Psychology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Congrats everyone, best of luck!
Congratulations to Caitlin for receiving the Psi Chi Regional Research Award for her poster at the recent Western Psychological Association Convention.
Sarah Grover received the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations Sarah!
Sapna has accepted the Russell Sage Visiting Scholar Position. The Russell Sage Foundation operates from a center in New York where Visiting Scholars can pursue their research and writing related to the Social or Behavioral Sciences. The position begins September 1st, and runs through June 30th.
Caitlin was nominated for the Timeless Future Award. The Timeless Future Award is a new award offered by the College of Arts & Sciences to recognize graduating students who have made exceptional contributions to the University community.
Caitlin recently received an Undergraduate Travel Award from UW in order to attend the SPSP conference in San Diego, CA.
Josh recently received the SPSP Diversity Fund Travel Award for 2011, which will allow him to attend the annual conference in San Diego, CA.
Congratulations to Caitlin Handron for receiving an invitation to join Phi Beta Kappa.
SIBL Honors RA Amanda Tose has been awarded the Guthrie Prize by the UW Psychology Department. The Guthrie Prize is awarded annually for excellent writing in psychology that is both broad in scope and accessible to the non-specialist. Congratulations Amanda!
SIBL Honors RA Lauren Hudson has been nominated by the UW Psychology Department for the 2011 Dean’s Medal. The Dean’s Medal is presented annually to a single outstanding student from each of the College’s four divisions. Selection is based on outstanding scholarship and letters of recommendation. Congratulations Lauren!
Dr. Cheryan has been selected by the Seattle Branch of the AAUW to be a 2011 Named Honoree. In honor of her efforts to achieve equity for women and girls within the sciences, $500 has been donated in her name to the national AAUW organization
Ben Drury and Oliver Siy have been admitted to the 2011 Summer Institute in Social Psychology (SISP) hosted by Princeton University.
Ben Drury and Joshua Tabak have been awarded a travel stipend from the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS). Joshua recently used the award to defray the costs of attending the Meeting on Opportunities and Challenges in Social Neuroscience in Utrecht, the Netherlands in March 2011.
Sarah Grover, SIBL research assistant, has been awarded an American Association of University Women (AAUW) Travel Scholarship to attend the National Conference for College Student Leaders.
Lauren Hudson has received the Mary Gates Scholarship for her work in the lab.
Lauren Hudson and Sapna were awarded an REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) award from the NSF. This opportunity pays for Lauren to work in the lab part-time for the duration of the 2010-2011 school year. Lauren will be continuing her work on her honors thesis and also helping out with many other projects. Congrats Lauren!
Ben Drury Receives Summer 2010 ALCOR Graduate Fellowship. The ALCOR Fellowship will allow funding for Ben to continue his research during the Summer.
Josh Newson Receives Abraham Scholarship. The scholarship is an international education fellowship focused on developing future leaders which will allow Josh to study for the year at Machon Yaakov, a yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Sapna Receives the UW Undergraduate Research Mentor Award. Sapna was one of six faculty and postdoctoral mentors who was honored this year at the UW’s Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Joshua, a first year graduate student, receives one of the highly coveted NSF Graduate Research Fellowships. Congratulations to Josh!
Congratulations to Juhn Tse and Lauren Hudson for receiving invitations to join Phi Beta Kappa.
Congratulations to Shannon Kim, Wen Liu, John Rohrbach and Linda Le for getting into graduate schools! SIBL wishes you the best of luck and is looking forward to your future publications.
Juhn Tse and Josh Newson, both senior honors students, both receive coveted Mary Gates Scholarships for their work in the lab!
The College of Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Research Award Program awards Josh Newson with one of its most prestigious grants to support his senior honors research.
Oliver Siy receives the SPSP Diversity Fund Travel Award for 2010, which allows him to attend a conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Oliver Siy receives one of the highly coveted NSF Graduate Research Fellowships, while Ben Drury receives an Honorable Mention from NSF. Congrats to them both!
NSF awards Sapna with a Faculty Early Research Grant, NSF’s most prestigious award given to junior faculty, to support her work on gender and computer science.
NSF awards Sapna and co-PIs Phyllis Wise, Eve Risken, Joyce Yen, and Sheryl Burgstahler with a 5-year grant to implement programs to positively impact the climate in engineering. Click here for more information about the grant.
Amanda Tose, a sophomore RA, and Josh Newson, a junior honors student, both receive coveted Mary Gates Scholarships for their work in the lab!
Sapna Cheryan receives an IESUS Grant. UW Institute for Ethnic Studies in the United States awards Sapna a grant to investigate how identity denial among Asian Americans may influence their dietary habits.
Sapna Cheryan received a RRF Grant. UW Royalty Research Fund awards Sapna a grant to study the influence of role models on women’s interest in computer science.