Sapna and our follow-your-passion paper work were mentioned in the New York Times, "Word of the Day: forsake".
Sapna and our masculine defaults works were featured and summarized in the Psychology Today article, "Gender Gaps in Employment Come From Masculine Workplace".
Sapna was quoted on stereotypes about Asian Americans in an AP News article, "Trump suggests Chinese migrants are in the US to build an 'army.' The migrants tell another story".
Sapna was quoted on stereotypes about Asian Americans in an AP News article, "Olympian Kristi Yamaguchi is 'ticked pink' to inspire a Barbie doll".
Sapna was quoted on gender stereotypes in a USA Today article, "Justin Bieber broke down crying on Instagram. Men should pay attention".
Sapna was quoted on positive stereotypes in a BBC article, "The hero tax: Why 'selfless' workers are professionally exploited".
Sapna and Ella's sense of mattering paper were featured in a PsyPost article, "Sense of mattering: A missing piece in addressing gender disparities".
Oliver Siy, Adriana Germano, and Amanda Montoya wrote a blog on the unexpected downsides of the follow-your-passion advice in the SPSP Character & Context Blog, "Career Advice to "Follow Your Passions" Has a Paradoxical Downside".
Sapna and our follow-your-passion paper were featured and summarized in the New York Times, "Is Following Your Work Passion Overrated?".
Our follow-your-passion paper was featured on MSNBC, "Is 'follow your passion' good career advice? This new study says no".
Sapna was interviewed by KUOW, "Words In Review: 'Follow your passions!'".
Sapna and the NYT op-ed was featured in the Opinion Today on the New York Times, "The most common graduation advice tends to backfire".
Sapna and Therese wrote an op-ed on how the follow-your-passions advice keeps women from STEM fields in the New York Times, "The Most Common Graduation Advice Tends to Backfire".
Oliver Siy was featured in Forbes, "'Follow Your Passions' Advice Keeps Women From STEM Fields, Says Research".
Sapna was featured in a Start Here podcast by ABC.
Sapna was interviewed for a BBC Reel, "Commencement Speech: The Surprising Pitfall of Your Passions".
Sapna was quoted in the USA Today, "Tom Brady's viral affection with his son, fatherhood and our evolving views of masculinity".
Sapna was featured in UW Magazine: "Finding Belonging on Campus Gives Students More Chances For Success".
Sapna, Allison, and Andrew's op-ed in the Scientific American was selected for the February print issue, "There Are Too Few Women in Computer Science and Engineering".
Sapna and Hazel Markus wrote an op-ed on masculine defaults in Harvard Business Review, "Rooting Out the Masculine Defaults in Your Workplace".
Our research was published in the Science Journal for Kids and Teens, "How do gender stereotypes impact girls' interest in science?".
Sapna, Allison, and Andrew wrote an op-ed on how the culture of CS excludes women in the Scientific American, "There Are Too Few Women in Computer Science and Engineering"
Clarissa was featured in The Seattle Times for her work at the Teen Link, "Helping teens in the Seattle area through loneliness, stress and more".
Allison's study was featured in Forbes, "How Quickly Gender Stereotypes About Work Emerge".
Adriana, Sienna, Laura, and Sapna's paper got written up in the Stanford Innovation Review, "The Unintended Impact of Diversity Awards"
Allison's paper was featured on Good Morning America, "New study tackles STEM and stereotypes"
UW engineering writes about the impact of the PEERs class Sapna teach on engineers, "Promoting equity in engineering"
Linda Z and Sapna wrote an op-ed on what anti-Asian discrimination teaches us about racism, "What Anti-Asian Discrimination Teaches Us About Racism"
Linda Z's Racial Position Model is featured in an article on Washington Post, "The U.S. is more racially diverse than ever. Will people of color unify politically?"
Our research about masculine defaults is featured in an article on Grow, "Hybrid work model could create ‘a ghetto,’ warns Harvard economist—here are the dangers"
Sapna speaks at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) at their national summit Addressing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Anti-Racism in 21st Century STEMM Organizations.
Sapna is elected to the Washington State Academy of Sciences for her contributions in research on racial and gender inequality!
Sapna speaks to the POTUS directed COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force (HETF) on "Xenophobia and discrimination."
Sapna speaks on the Fishing for Problems podcast about the intersection of gender and race in computer science and other STEM fields, "Sapna Cheryan — Cultural Stereotypes in STEM."
Teri writes SPSP blog post on her "Safe Spaces" paper, "Who Really Uses Safe Spaces Anyway?"
Sapna comments on how COVID-19 can transform the future of classrooms in Politico, "Keep distance learning in place."
Allison's NSF-funded research featured in the 2020 STEM For All Video Showcase, "Feeling Connected to Others Can Improve STEM Engagement."
Sapna and Ella comment on methods for responding to racism in Crosscut, "How to respond to Trump's racism."
KUOW's The Record interviews Sapna on the increase of discrimination that Asian Americans are facing during the Covid-19 pandemic and how Asian Americans can respond, "Asian American discrimination rising during the pandemic."
UW News interview Sapna and Teri on the importance of ethnic spaces on college campuses, "'Ethnic spaces' make minority students feel at home on campus."
Pacific Standard features Sapna's research on how sexual orientation affects the perception of Asian Americans , "Asian Americans Are Viewed as More American if they are Gay."
BBC interviews Sapna about her research on increasing girls' interest in computer science, "A Job for the Boys."
Sapna comments on the term "boss" that some men use with each other for Men's Health, "Why I Hate it When Other Guys Call Me 'Boss'."
Sapna comments on the underrepresentation of women among science prize winners, "Minding the gender gap in science prizes."
King 5 News interviews Sapna on her appointment to Mattel's Global Advisory Council, "UW professor helps Mattel evolve Barbie." Sapna talks with the Seattle Times about Barbie's impact on girls in "Why computer-engineer Barbie matters: a quest to fight stereotypes for girls." The Daily quotes Sapna in an article on the evolution of Barbie from her release to today, "Her name is Barbie and she is a computer engineer."
Cascadia magazine interviews Sapna about her research on the perception of gendered traits in the workplace in, "Why women, why science, why now?"
Sapna was quoted in the Atlantic article, "What We Learn From 50 Years of Kids Drawing Scientists."
CityLab's article, "When it's too cold for school", cites Sapna's research on how classroom design affects rates of student achievement.
Sapna's research on classroom environments is featured in The 74 in an article on the state of school infrastructure.
UWTV featured Sapna's research on increasing girls' interest in STEM fields in their show, UW360
The Los Angeles Times published Sapna Cheryan, Allison Master, Andrew N. Meltzoff's op-ed "The gender gap in tech isn't set in stone".
Fasika's reflection on her experience working with SIBL over the summer was published on the SPSP website.
Caitlin’s research on how weight influences perceptions of American identity gets press in the The New York Times, Huffington Post, KUOW, and KPCC!
Allison’s paper on the power of toys to get girls coding gets press in Education Week and GeekWire.
Sapna shares her thoughts about a new paper on kids’ stereotypes about who is brilliant in The Atlantic, NPR, and Mashable.
The Christian Science Monitor published Allison’s op-ed "Is making STEM social one way to get more children interested?" Read about Allison’s studies that involve motivating children’s interest in STEM through puzzles and games.
Our paper about gender gaps in STEM fields is discussed on several websites, such as Quartz, Futurity, The Stranger, Mashable, The Conversation, and on the The Daily, which is the University of Washington's newspaper.
The Washington Post published Allison Master's op-ed, "Researchers explain how stereotypes keep girls out of computer science classes"! The op-ed highlights how our culture perpetuates stereotypes about girls’ abilities and interferes with their sense of belonging to computer science.
Sapna’s 2005 study on Asian Americans is cited in the Washington Post article "Why Asian Americans don’t vote Republican."
Allison Master's Computing Whether She Belongs paper received media coverage from TIME, GeekWire, Fortune, InformationWeek,, ScienceDaily, and Headlines & Global News. Allison also gave a radio interview to BYU Radio for Top of the Mind about the paper.
Our work on computer science stereotypes is summarized in a New York Times article called "What Really Keeps Women Out of Tech."
Sapna is quoted in the Chronicle of Higher Education’s article "TV’s next big star: A female MacGyver," which discusses the correlation between media representations of people in STEM and young girls’ career interests.
Sapna’s research on ambient belonging mentioned on BRIGHT’s article "The Perfect Classroom, According to Science: It’s bright, quiet, and 72 degrees. And it makes every student feel valued."
Allison Master’s work is discussed in a article "Negative perceptions don’t deter girls on Marysville Arts and Technology High School’s robotics team. " The article discusses Allison’s research on negative stereotypes about women in computer science and engineering.
Sapna’s work is discussed in’s article "Research: Broaden Stereotypes To Draw Women into CS and Engineering, " that discusses Sapna’s research on cultural stereotypes as gatekeepers to female involvement in computer science and engineering.
Sapna’s work is discussed article "Study: Here’s how to beat the stereotypes that keep women out of computer science, " which discusses Sapna’s research on computer science stereotypes and how those stereotypes can be discouraging to women.
Sapna is quoted in article, "UW Studies Highlight Simple Ways to Get More Women To Study Computer Science, " which discusses how Sapna’s work on computer science classroom environments and role models informs several ways to bridge the gender gap in computer science.
Sapna’s work on classroom design cited in Fast Company article. Sapna was interviewed for the article, "5 Ways Classroom Design Can Improve What We Learn And Who Learns It ". It discusses work Sapna has done with classroom design, and the changes that can be made to improve students’ interest and learning.
Our positive stereotypes paper received media coverage from NPR’s article"The Negative In Positive Stereotypes."
Sapna’s paper on computer science classroom environments is cited in the TIME article "7 Ways To Be More Inclusive" as a method to make physical spaces more inclusive.
Our Manning Up paper received media coverage from Salon, MTV, The Stranger, CBS , and Medical Daily.
The Seattle Times article "Warm, bright, quiet: Students do best in well-designed classrooms " discussed the importance of classroom design in learning and interest. Sapna and Sianna’s work with the UW Computer Science & Engineering department was mentioned as an example of improving classrooms.
Sapna’s work on computer science environments cited in article. In the article "What Happened to All the Women in Computer Science? " Sapna’s work on computer science classroom environments affecting female’s interest in computer science was cited as a reason for the lack of women in computer science.
In Slate’s article, "The MOOC Gender Gap," Sapna was quoted about her work on stereotypical and non-stereotypical computer science classrooms influencing women’s interest in computer science.
In Salon’s article, "Facebook releases diversity figures: They look a lot like Google’s and Yahoo’s" , Sapna states the importance of representations, role models and mentorship in diversity.
In SFGate’s article, "Tech shift: More women in computer science classes" , Sapna spoke about the complicated goal of appealing to women in computer science.
SIBL’s research featured in’s blog. In Hadi Partovi’s blog post, "The real reason there aren’t more women in tech" , he notes how the nerd stereotype can deter women from entering computer science, citing SIBL’s research.
SIBL contributed to the CS10K Community’s blog. The blog post "How Can Educators Change The Face Of Computer Science? " discusses the importance of classroom environments and role models when encouraging women to pursue computer science. Discussed were how changes to classroom decor and presenting non-stereotypical role models may increase interest among female students.
SIBL’s research featured in 13.7 cosmos & culture. In the article, "Scientist = Geek Is A Dangerous Equation", research done at SIBL involving invoking the "geek" stereotype in computer science is mentioned to support a more neutral way of viewing science fields. The article suggests that "coolifying nerdiness" may not increase interest in the field as much as providing role models that do not fit the strict mold of "nerd."
In Wall Street Journal’s blog, Sapna and Caitlin’s Sex Roles paper was mentioned in the article "Why Aren’t Women Interested in Computer Science? " Sapna explained that media may play a role in discouraging women from entering the field of computer science because of the stereotypes portrayed, such as the scientists in "The Big Bang Theory."
On, Sapna was quoted in "Bill Nye’s Appearance on ‘Dancing with the Stars’ Is Bad For Science ," an article about the "nerd" stereotype in science being perpetuated by the media. Sapna discusses the "nerd" stereotype and female gender roles in relation to a lack of women choosing computer science careers.
In the September 2013 edition of WAC magazine, Sapna was quoted in "Strength in Numbers," an article discussing the advantages of working together. Sapna discusses the importance of belonging, and how that can be achieved by feeling like a part of a group.
The article, "You don’t look like a math major ," discusses the underrepresentation of women and people of color in STEM PhD programs, and the steps the MIT is taking to correct this imbalance. The article follows students involved in the MIT Summer Research Program, outlining barriers they have encountered in their experiences in STEM.
Sapna was interviewed about her recent publication in Sex Roles. KIRO published an article and segments of the interview online at
Both UW Today and the UW Alumni Magazine contain a feature on SIBL’s most recent publication on how media representations can help women get interested in computer science by debunking the stereotypes of the field.
Press releases by the UW and Springer have led to our article, "The Stereotypical Computer Scientist: Gendered Media Representations as a Barrier to Inclusion for Women," receiving media coverage from various news outlets including Popular Science, Geek Wire, Red Orbit, ECN, ITnews, and ScienceDaily.
The article, "Can a Black Girl Be the Next Steve Jobs? ," discusses the under-representation of women and people of color in technical careers, possible reasons for these disparities, and how programs such as Black Girls Code, which gives young women of color the opportunity to gain experience programming, could be changing these norms.
Congratulations to Wenwen, Oliver and Sapna for their recently authored op-ed on Jeremy Lin and positive stereotypes! Their work was posted in Psychology Today.
Our research is mentioned in Solutions to Recruit Technical Women, a report focused on the recruitment, development, and retention of women leaders in high-tech fields.
"Fitting In but Getting Fat: Identity Threat and Dietary Choices among U.S. Immigrant Groups" has been receiving media coverage from various news outlets including The New York Times, The Telegraph , and US News & World Report .
Sapna and the PEERs (Promoting Equity in Engineering Relationships) Program were featured in an article in UW Today about Diversity in the College of Engineering.
Sapna quoted in The Boston Globe article Program Makes Math Easy as 1, 2, 3.
Sapna was quoted in New York Times article Out of the Loop in Silicon Valley on women and technology.
Sapna receives additional media coverage on her research about women and computer science. Read about Sapna’s work on Ambient Belonging, published in the December 2009 issue of JPSP , in the Boston Globe , APA Monitor, Inside Higher Education , and Society of Women Engineers Magazine.
Sapna’s work on Ambient Belonging, published in the December 2009 issue of JPSP , has caught the attention of an array of media outlets including Wired and Science News .
Research explaining women’s under-representation in computer science is featured in UCSC's Science Notes. The article Of Geeks and Girls describes our work on how stereotypical environments can lead women to feel that they do not belong in the field of computer science.
The NPR show, To the Best of Our Knowledge, features a story called ‘Prototypes as Gatekeepers’ on our work on how the image of computer science can be detrimental to women’s participation.