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Case #3 -
A 62-year-old man complains of worsening cough since three months

1.) What additional history is needed?  Answer 
2.) What are important aspects of the history that evaluate pulmonary reserve?  Answer 
3.) What are the predisposing factors for lung cancer?  Answer 
4.) What are the important things to note on physical examination?  Answer 
5.) What is the differential diagnosis in this patient?  Answer 
6.) What imaging studies are needed as part of the diagnostic evaluation?  Answer 
7.) What other tests or procedures will you order?  Answer 
8.) What are the means for evaluation of mediastinal nodes?  Answer 
9.) What is the best way to evaluate the patient for distant metastases?  Answer 
10.) What are the histologic types of lung cancer?  Answer 
11.) What is the management of the primary if the metastatic workup were negative?  Answer 
12.) What is the role of screening in lung cancer?  Answer 
  The Virtual Patient > Case List > THORACIC SURGERY - Case # 3