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Case #3 -
A 65 year old with a pulsatile abdominal mass

1.) What additional history do you need in this patient?  Answer 
2.) What are pertinent physical findings to note in this patient?  Answer 
3.) How can you differentiate this mass clinically from some other mass? How can you tell that the pulsatile mass is not just a transmitted aortic pulse in a thin patient?  Answer 
4.) What are three main studies used to evaluate this patient?  Answer 
5.) If a person has an AAA, what are risk factors for surgery that should be elicited from the patient?  Answer 
6.) What is the main factor predisposing to rupture of the aneurysm?  Answer 
7.) How do you decide whether or not to operate on this patient?  Answer 
8.) Is there any alternative to surgery? Are there any advantages or disadvantages to this alternate approach?  Answer 
  The Virtual Patient > Case List > VASCULAR SURGERY - Case # 3