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After MEMP scan

"Okay, great job! We're gonna switch over the game real quick 
so hang tight and be still for a minute while get things set up.  
Do me a quick favor and without moving your head or looking down 
find the button box that we gave you before the scan.  Got it? Great."

(if not, have the technician go in and give them the box)

After booting up MATLAB

  • Click in the command prompt.
Alright, go ahead and press the button two times 
so we know it's working.  Great! 

Describe game:

"Alright in this game you're going to see a bunch of images 
flashing on the screen.  The images are going to be faces, fake words, 
and objects.  Your job is to pay close attention and whenever you see 
the same image flash twice in a row, press the button.  
Does that make sense?"
  • If they seem confused, say the one-back aspect in different ways: two in a row, repeat, one right after the other, etc.
"Even though I want you to pay attention to the images, make sure 
that you're keeping your eyes on the red dot in the middle of the screen. 
You should always be looking at that red dot. This might make it a little 
harder to pay attention to the images, but just try and do your best."
"Okay, we're gonna start up the game, are you ready? Great, now remember 
to be still like a statue - it's super important!"

Start game

  • delete the input from the button presses!
  • enter in subject id followed by run # (1 then 2)
  • press 1 for 1-back
  • press 1 for triggers
  • when the gray screen with text shows up, tell the technician it's ready to go!

Between games

  • press enter to exit previous run
  • Tell them they did a good job, and that they are going to play one more time
  • no matter if they were wiggly or not, remind them to be super still like a statue!
fmri_data_acq.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/08 21:00 by pdonnelly