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You will need a user account in order to edit the wiki.

Adding Pages

Begin by navigating to the sidebar. Use the edit tab on the right side. Add a page under the appropriate heading following the syntax already present in the rest of the document. After saving, you should be able to click on your link in the sidebar to create and modify your new page.

Referencing Home Name Space

Many of the pages in the wiki have been set up in sub-directories so that privacy settings can be managed by doku. If you are editing a page in one of these directories and want to link back to something in the main directory, there is special syntax.

If I'm working in the redcap directory and type


this will direct me to the page redcap:foo. However, if I type


this will make the link to the main directory. I could, of course, also link to the page


which would take me to a page named 'foo' in the 'irb' directory.

If you're here by mistake looking for the old wiki, this is still available at However, this wiki has been deprecated and is no longer supported.

If you encounter broken links within this wiki, please either fix them or report them to a site admin. They are likely the result of changing the namespace from bdelab/dokuwiki to bdelab/wiki when using absolute links.

wiki_edit.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/22 17:34 by dstrodtman