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This page will contain information about obtaining permissions and downloading data, including Aspera connect installation.

Note: db Human Connectome does not seem to work with Google Chrome. It is known to work for Firefox, so please use that browser to avoid problems.

Register for an Account

Anyone accessing data from the Human Connectome Project must have created a user account and signed the data agreement, available here.

Aspera Connect

db Human Connectome should prompt you to install Aspera Connect. Or the installation files can be found here.

Download to your ~/Downloads folder, close your browser, and in the terminal.

cd ~/Downloads
tar -zxvf apera-connect-[version].tar.gz
sh aspera-connect-[version].sh

Aspera Connect should be installed into your Applications. In Mint, this will load the applet icon (a blue 'C' in white). Right click to edit preferences.
In the transfers tab, you can set a static destination for all downloaded files OR set it to prompt you where to save downloaded files.

In Ubuntu, you will have to initiate a download before you can change your settings (the gear in the lower left corner of your Transfers - Aspera Connect window). All downloads default to your desktop, so you will not want to download a large directory until you have set your preferences.

Each subject will download as a *.zip with a corresponding *.zip.md5 file. db Human Connectome should prompt to add security exception. If not prompted, in the security tab of your Aspera Connect preferences try adding
hcp_access.txt · Last modified: 2016/08/17 21:57 by bdelab