Leadership Without Borders


October 26, 2017

Full-time Administrative Assistant

One America and Wayfind are currently hiring! If interested look at the job descriptions below, job applications are due by Oct 31st 2017. Feel free to share with others!   Job Descriptions

August 16, 2016

Diversity Advocate Intern (DAI)

Current Job Opening: Student Blog and Newsletter Editor – Diversity Advocate Intern (DAI) The Student Blog and Newsletter Editor – Diversity Advocate Intern (DAI) position is responsible for assisting the Kelly ECC Leadership Team with the development of the Kelly ECC Blog and Newsletter for the 2016 – 2017 academic year. The DAI will serve…

July 30, 2016

5th Annual Beyond HB 1079 Conference

Beyond HB 1079 is a conference dedicated to advancing and providing educational opportunities for undocumented students in Washington State regardless of their immigration status. The 5th Annual Beyond HB 1079 Conference is open to undocumented high school and undocumented college students, family memebers, educators, community members, and advocates. Saturday October 15, 2016 From 10:00 AM –…

Husky Lending Library Giving

We would like to use this platform to ask our friends who are able to give to think about donating to the Husky Lending Library! About the Program Leadership Without Borders at the Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center is pleased to provide support to undocumented students who face financial challenges through the Husky Lending Library program. This program…

July 27, 2016

Food Pantry Student Coordinator

This position is responsible for overseeing the operations of the UW Campus Food Pantry, including but not limited to coordinating and implementing food drives to supply the UW Campus Food Pantry, supervision and coordination of food pantry volunteers, purchasing and restocking of food pantry items, cost and quality control, monthly statistics and reports as required…

July 11, 2016

Intern Job

Human Rights Research Intern (focus on Freedom of Information) The University of Washington Center for Human Rights invites applications from undergraduates interested in forming a part of our research team examining crimes against humanity committed in El Salvador during that country’s armed conflict (1980-1992). To learn more about our research, visit unfinishedsentences.org. One core area…

April 7, 2015

UW Participates in United We Dream’s National Institutions Coming Out Day (NICOD)!

On April 7th, 2015, the University of Washington, along with over sixty other institutions of higher education across the nation, participated in the first National Institutions Coming Out Day (NICOD) to reaffirm its commitment to work with and for undocumented students. The Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center and the Leadership Without Borders Center (LWB) planned and…