Happy spring quarter!

The EUB has a lot in store for this upcoming quarter, including the following announcements:

  • Applications to join as a member of the EUB for the 2014-2015 school year are due by this Wednesday, April 2nd. To apply, complete this application and submit a resume to eub at uw.edu or in the Economics main office, Savery 305.
  • The EUB is hosting a Math Review Seminar to help students brush up on math skills necessary for economics courses! Topics covered will include differential calculus, constrained optimization and Lagrange’s method. They will be most relevant for 300-level courses, although the techniques are used in many 400-level courses also. The Seminar is open to anyone and will be held in SMI 407 at 5:30pm on Tuesday, April 1.
  • The Spring Quarter tutoring schedule is in the process of being finalized and will be posted soon, and regular tutoring hours will begin next week.

Check back later for some of the great events we are planning. We wish you a successful spring quarter!