Happy spring quarter!

The EUB has a lot in store for this upcoming quarter, including the following announcements:

  • Applications to join as a member of the EUB for the 2014-2015 school year are due by this Wednesday, April 2nd. To apply, complete this application and submit a resume to eub at uw.edu or in the Economics main office, Savery 305.
  • The EUB is hosting a Math Review Seminar to help students brush up on math skills necessary for economics courses! Topics covered will include differential calculus, constrained optimization and Lagrange’s method. They will be most relevant for 300-level courses, although the techniques are used in many 400-level courses also. The Seminar is open to anyone and will be held in SMI 407 at 5:30pm on Tuesday, April 1.
  • The Spring Quarter tutoring schedule is in the process of being finalized and will be posted soon, and regular tutoring hours will begin next week.

Check back later for some of the great events we are planning. We wish you a successful spring quarter!

Upcoming Events

First off, we want to extend a warm welcome to the newly admitted Economics majors! We are happy to have you in the department, and the EUB will be here to serve your needs.


Next, the EUB will be hosting several events in the next few weeks:

  • Tonight, November 12th, will be our quarterly Class Seminar from 5:30-6:30 in SAV 168. The members of the EUB, who have cumulatively taken almost every ECON course, will be on hand to answer questions about registration, and specific classes and our favorite professors. This is a great resource if you’re curious about the material that is taught in various classes or want recommendations about which classes to sign up for.
  • All students are welcome to our Career Seminar, which will be Wednesday, November 20th at 5:30 in Parrington 308. Come hear from four UW Econ alumni about their academic and professional experiences, and learn about what you can do with an economics degree. See the flyer below for more details.EUB Career Seminar
  • Keep a look out for other upcoming events including the Paul Heyne Seminar and the release of the fall quarter Economizer!

Welcome to a new school year!

Welcome back to school! Whether you’re a new freshman or a senior, the EUB has several events coming up to help you brush up on your economics:

  • We will be hosting a Math Review Seminar on Thursday, October 3rd at 5:30 PM in Savery 155. Come review the math skills that will be used in the 300 and 400 level courses. Topics include: algebra, multivariable calculus, optimization problems, Lagrange multiplier.
  • Our EUB members also hold weekly tutoring sessions in SAV 328. Students in any of the introductory, intermediate, or even higher level economics classes are welcome to come by and ask our knowledgeable upperclassmen about anything econ related. Please see our Tutoring Schedule for the times we are available. If you have questions about material in a 400-level class, click here to see which tutors have taken that class.
  • Tutoring is also available for students in the English Language Learner (ELL) program who have language-related questions in their economics classes.We offer comprehension assistance for students who are struggling to understand concepts, assignments, etc. due to a language barrier, and writing assistance for students with writing assignments to receive assistance with proofreading, editing, and composing well-written short answer questions. The ELL tutoring schedule can also be found on our Tutoring Schedule page.

Stay tuned for upcoming events, and we hope to see you around!