Category Archives: i.e.

2010-11 i.e. Winner: “That’s So Ghetto!” by Pat Origenes

“That’s So Ghetto!” by Pat Origenes PDF Earlier this year, I was hanging around after one of my classes ended for the day.  Few, if any, of us had regularly scheduled meetings afterwards and were often prone to aimlessness after … Continue reading

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2010-11 Selected Essays

The editorial committee of e.g., UW’s online journal of 100-level writing, is pleased to announce the winning essay for 2010-11: Kayhan Nejad, “Literal and Metaphorical: Racial Themes in Harry Potter” This essay was chosen to represent excellence in academic writing … Continue reading

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Introducing i.e.

i.e. stands for the Latin id est, which translates roughly as “that is” or “in other words.”  i.e. is a subset of e.g. that recognizes excellence in genre writing.  Whereas those essays selected for e.g. represent exemplary academic writing, those … Continue reading

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2009-10 i.e. Winner: “‘Cinderella’: An Excerpt From Bedtime Stories with Holden Caulfield” by Sarah Montgomery

“’Cinderella’: An Excerpt From Bedtime Stories with Holden Caulfield” by Sarah Montgomery PDF “I’ve had quite a few opportunities to lose my virginity and all, but I’ve never got around to it yet. Something always happens” (Salinger 120). For instance, … Continue reading

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2009-10 Selected Essays

The editorial committee of e.g., UW’s online journal of 100-level writing, is pleased to announce the winning essays for 2009-10: Paige Edmiston, “The Tell Tale Word: The Role of Authorship in Literary Analysis” Jessica Oscoy, “The Irony of Higher Education” … Continue reading

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