C E S   S O F T W A R E   G U I D E      

Introduction to Using CES
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Additional Exercises

Sample Projects

Introduction to Using CES

Architecture and Database   |   Find Data   |   Create Charts   |   Selection   |   Saving Information  

Interested in a description of CES and how to use it? Follow the above links to receive basic instruction with illustrations. Architecture and Database briefly describe the structure of CES.  Find Data demonstrates how you can navigate through CES. Create Charts, Selection, Saving Information show how you can employ CES for your use.

Learn the CES basics by working additional exercises?

Learn how to navigate the CES database by completing some additional exercises that include browsing, searching, and selecting. After finishing the exercises you will have a working knowledge of the CES database and an understanding of material properties.

Begin working on the additional exercises right now.

Use CES to complete a Materials Selection project?

Learn how to use CES for the Materials Selection Process based on a specific project design.  of your own. After learning the selection process you can proceed to design your own material design project using CES for the selection of the best material that should be used according to your project design.

Learn to start a materials selection project right now.

Copyright © 2006 CES Information Guide - Materials Science Engineering