C E S   S O F T W A R E   G U I D E      

Introduction to Using CES
Start a Project

Define Project Requirements

Select Material for Project

Additional Exercises

Sample Projects

Select Material for Project

Start Example Project   |   Setting Limits   |   Creating Charts   |   Linking Data Sets  

Follow the above links to use CES to continue with the material selection process for the children's tea party table. You will apply your defined project requirements to limiting materials that can be used for this project by the CES software. These linked four pages will also give basic instruction and simple demonstration using CES for the selection of the best material that should be used to build table according to your project design.

After you go through the table example, you will be ready to start your own project... perhaps you plan to build a skateboard deck and want to find the best materials for the job.

Copyright © 2006 CES Information Guide - Materials Science Engineering