C E S   S O F T W A R E   G U I D E      

Introduction to Using CES
Start a Project

Define Project Requirements

Select Material for Project

Additional Exercises

Sample Projects

Select Material for Project

Start Example Project   |   Setting Limits   |   Creating Charts   |   Linking Data Sets  

Start Example Project

Start your project example; “A children’s tea party table”

1)      Open the CES Selector Program and choose Edu Level 1-2 (for introductory and intermediate students)

2)      Create a new project. Choose >File and from file menu >New Project

3)      Select project based on a template. Start with the Edu Level 1 tab. Choose from the template list (Materials template) (later go back and check out the other templates as need)

4)      Go to selection Criteria…  3-choices: Limit, Graph, and Tree stages

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