Posts in the "Course of interest" Category

Getting Into Grad School: The Inside Scoop About What Works

Getting Into Grad School:The Inside Scoop About What Works GRDSCH 200: Preparing for Graduate Education  Autumn 2015 CREDITS: 2 C/NC Fridays , 8:30 – 10:20 a.m. SMI 205 SLN: 15358 This is a 10-week course for sophomores, juniors and seniors who know they want to pursue, or are considering the possibility of, graduate education; learn… Read more »

College Success for Veterans – fall quarter seminar

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For more information contact course instructor:  Tim McCoy at

C ENV 110 Introduction to Food and the Environment – 5 credits

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C ENV 110  Introduction to Food and the Environment – 5 credits I&S/NW;  SLN# 11831 (plus lab section);  No prerequisites. Great for Freshmen! Everyone eats, and all food production has environmental consequences. · Discover environmental science through food production. · Explore the link between the decline of civilizations and current farmer efforts to cope with changing… Read more »

Fall Qrt: ENV H 311 Introduction to Environmental Health, 3 credits

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ENV H 311 Introduction to Environmental Health, 3 credits, NW and I&S This course explores the relationship of people to their environment—how it affects their physical well being, and what they can do to protect and enhance their health and the quality of the environment. Students will be introduced to many different areas of environmental… Read more »

Spring quarter course – Global Perspectives on Reproductive Health

Global Perspectives on Reproductive Health Spring 2015, Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00 – 4:20pm Health Sciences Building, K-069 (located next to Rotunda Café) The Global Perspectives on Reproductive Health c is a 3 credit course open to undergraduates (GH 490 C) and graduate students (GH 590 A) in Spring quarter on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00-4:20. … Read more »

New Spring Pre-Health course still has room!

B H 201: Topics in Bioethics New hybrid course, Spring 2015, Tuesdays 2:30-4:30, 201 Gowan Hall  THIS COURSE STILL HAS SPACE. Freshmen and sophomores welcome!   Ethics | biology | medicine | life sciences | biotechnology | politics | law | philosophy DEFINITION OF BIOETHCS : a discipline dealing with the ethical implications of biological research… Read more »

Digital Storytelling and Global Citizenship (General Studies 349; SLN 14543)

Digital Storytelling and Global Citizenship (General Studies 349; SLN 14543) We live in a globalized world. In this class you’ll explore concepts of global leadership, think critically about what others are doing to make a difference, and develop your skills and understanding of what it means to lead and to work in a team. The… Read more »

Are Do-Gooders Doing Good?

Are Do-Gooders Doing Good? Critical Perspectives on Civic Engagement (General Studies 348A; SLN 14542) Are you committed to giving back? Trying to make a difference? Want to get more out of your volunteer experience?  During Spring Quarter, we invite you to join in a critical reflection on what it means to “do good”. General Studies… Read more »

Spring 2015: Literacy Through Photography course

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Does the idea of sharing the magic of photography and writing with elementary students sound intriguing to you? Then check out this Inner Pipeline seminar for Spring 2015: Literacy Through Photography (LTP) EDUC 401Q   SLN: 13593 LTP encourages students to find their voice through photographs and written text. Photography as a medium of communication is particularly accessible… Read more »

Intro to Environmental Health course for spring quarter

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