Register for Spring 2015 online courses

Register now for spring quarter online classes. Enjoy the convenience and flexibility of the University of Washington’s online courses. As a UW matriculated student, this spring you can take some of the most popular online credit classes as part of your normal tuition load and pay an online fee of only $350 per class. These select online courses are offered in a group-start format, which means you can interact with your classmates and complete the course during the quarter. Online courses help meet graduation requirements and allow you access to the university when you need it. Check out the spring quarter 2015 time schedule. Simply register as you would for any other class using MyUWOnline courses are housed at the UW Seattle campus. UW Bothell and UW Tacoma students should check with advising staff at their home campuses before enrolling in classes they expect to count towards their degree program. These courses do not count as residence credit; consult with your adviser if you have any questions.


The following courses feature the $350 fee and the group-start format:

ASTR 101: Astronomy (NW,QSR)

COM 340: History of Mass Communication (I&S)
COM 440/POL S 461: Mass Media Law (I&S)

COM/AES/GWSS 389: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Media (I&S)
DANCE 100: Understanding Dance (VLPA)

DANCE 101: Dance and the American Experience (VLPA)

DRAMA 103:Theatre Appreciation (VLPA)

ECON 282: Using Econometrics: A Practical Approach (NW)

ESRM 100: Introduction to Environmental Science (I&S/NW)

GEOG 123/JSIS 123: Introduction to Globalization (I&S)

GEOG 323/JSIS 123: Globalization and You (I&S/DIV)

HSTAS 454/JSIS 454: History of Modern China (I&S)

HSTCMP 485: Comparative Colonialism (I&S)

JSIS E 113: Elementary Modern Greek

JSIS B 420: Failed States (I&S)
LING 200: Introduction to Linguistic Thought (I&S/VLPA/QSR)

MATH 124: Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (NW/QSR)

MATH 125: Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (NW)

MATH 126: Calculus with Analytic Geometry III (NW)

MUSIC 120: Survey of Music (VLPA)

MUSIC 162: American Popular Song (VLPA)

MUSIC 185: The Concert Series (VLPA)

MUSIC 331: History of Jazz (VLPA)

PHIL 362: Topics in Philosophy of Science (I&S/NW)

POL S 270: Introduction to Psychology (I&S)

POL S 321: American Foreign Policy (I&S)

PSYCH 101: Introduction to Psychology (I&S)

PSYCH 203: Introduction to Personality and Individual Differences (I&S)

PSYCH 205: Behavior Disorders (I&S)

SCAND 270: Saga of the Vikings (VLPA)
STAT 311: Elements of Statistical Methods (NW/QSR)

Summer 2015: Global Health, Human Rights, and the Rights of Women and Children in Cambodia

Global Health, Human Rights, and the Rights of Women and Children in Cambodia

This course offers a unique, multidisciplinary study and research opportunity in Cambodia. Focusing on health and human rights of women and children, particularly those who have a disability, the course provides a classroom experience and an applied, skills-building practicum that explores the theoretical underpinnings and the practical applications of the rights of women and children in the context of Cambodia’s health system. Human rights for women and children are studied from legal and health services perspectives, combining methodologies of research and analysis required for quality field work. The six-week course is approved for a total of 10 credits. Five of the credits are received through the practicum experience. The practicum experience will enable the student to work with NGOs and other health and legal professionals in the investigation and analysis of a faculty-guided and approved practicum project. The course is open to graduate and professional students, as well as undergraduates who are currently juniors and seniors. Students from other universities are welcome to apply.
IPE Website:;

Program Brochure

For questions, contact Beth Rivin (
Information Session: Feb. 5 at 5pm, Law School, Room 118

A screening of the HBO Documentary “Open Heart”

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Open heart screening