FIUTS CulturalFest International Expo – Friday, Feb. 10th

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FIUTS 2017

We are very excited to welcome you at the annual FIUTS CulturalFest International Expo, the largest international event on campus. Join UW students presenting aspects of their culture through music, dance, snacks, conversation, and interactive activities – this year features 45 different cultural booths! CulturalFest is the biggest celebration of the diversity and talent of the international community on our campus and region. Invite your students, friends, and family (this is a great event for kids), and be sure to stop by yourself.

FIUTS CulturalFest International Expo

Friday, February 10 |  10:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. | HUB Ballroom


Calling all Undergraduate Researchers!

Image result for 20th Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium

The application for the 20th Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium is due Monday, February 13th.

The Symposium, which will be held on May 19, 2017 in Mary Gates Hall, is a celebration of undergraduate accomplishments in research, scholarship, and creative expression in all academic disciplines.  Students may present their research either in a poster, an oral presentation session, or in a performing arts or visual arts and design session. Last year, over 1,000 students participated in this exciting event.

In order to help prepare for the application process, we have the following sessions scheduled this week.

Abstract Writing Workshops

Thursday, Feb. 9th, 3:30-4:30pm in MGE 171; Friday, Feb. 10th, 12:30-1:30pm in MGE 171

RSVP here for an abstract writing workshop.

Abstract Open House                                                                                                                                              

The Undergraduate Research Program and the UW Society of Chicanos and Native Americans in Sciences (SACNAS) is co-hosting an Abstract Open House open to students interested in getting feedback on their abstracts. This is a great opportunity for students interested in applying to the Symposium or upcoming conferences to get one on one feedback from graduate students, Undergraduate Research Leaders, and URP Staff. Food provided by UW SACNAS!

Stop by anytime between 4:30-6:00pm at the HUB 145 on Wednesday, February 8th Please let us know you will stop by: RSVP here.

URP Drop-In Hours

In addition to scheduled sessions, please feel free to stop by 171 MGH for URP Drop-in hours to see an adviser for feedback on your abstract or if you have questions:

Wednesdays, 2:00-4:00pm;  Thursdays, 10:00am-12:00pm

Not yet involved in research? Volunteer at the Symposium or stop by on the day of the event to learn about the research UW under­grads are conducting, from projects in syn­thetic chem­istry to new ideas in dance.

Community Literacy Program: English 298A + 491B = “C” or “W” course + internship exploring the transformative potential of public education

Image result for community literacy program UW

English 298A + English 491B = the Community Literacy Program, an opportunity for students at any stage of your UW career and from any major to combine on-campus learning (for “C” or “W” credit)  with an internship putting your learning into practice working with students in a “high needs” public elementary, middle or high school.

In English 298A (5 credits) students will meet twice weekly on campus (MW 10:30-12:20) in a writing-intensive course focused on understanding and responding to difference and inequality, learning effective inclusive methods of working with each other and with public school students, and exploring some central challenges and opportunities for transformative public education.  We’ll use discussion, writing and presentation to inquire into, develop, and communicate our thinking about these issues as they relate to our academic, personal, civic and career goals. The final assignment sequence will be career-related writing, taught in collaboration with the UW Career Center.

In English 491B (C/NC; 3 credits) you put what you learn on campus into action, volunteering (4-5 hours a week, on a schedule you arrange) at one of our partner public schools.  English 491B will appear on your transcript as an internship. English 491 may be used toward the field work requirement or as an elective in the Education, Learning and Society Minor, and provides documentation of school-based experience needed for application to Teacher Education programs.


For add codes and with questions: contact instructor Elizabeth Simmons-O’Neill,