
As a journal of literary history, MLQ is devoted to understanding how literature, in its own day and in its afterlife, has made a difference. We welcome essays and reviews of scholarly works that take up all aspects of literary change: on periods; reception; influence; on the development of modes, genres, and motifs; on causation and invention; the production and dissemination of ideologies and the production and destiny of texts; and on the historical dimensions of semiotics, hermeneutics, and deconstruction.

We welcome contributions on the poetics of history, the history of the profession, and, of course, on the history of literary history. And we particularly welcome theoretical reflections on these topics, and on historicism in relation to feminism, ethnic studies, cultural materialism, discourse analysis, and all other forms of cultural representation and cultural critique.

Modern Language Quarterly | Department of English, Box 354330 | University of Washington | Seattle, WA 98195-4430