Learning to Keep a Food Record

CONCEPT: Keeping a Food Record



Participants review the components of a complete food record and practice their skills in keeping a food record.



After completing this activity, participants will be able to:

  • list the components of a complete food record (food, amount, method of preparation, brand name)
  • state ways to relate exact amounts eaten, when given specific foods
  • complete a 24 hour recall independently
  • identify a method of record keeping that will work for their family



Discuss the purpose of a food record.

  • Why are food records important?
    • Better understanding of how dietary phe affects blood phe levels, self-monitoring of phe intake
    • Communication within the family
    • Communication between the family and the PKU Clinic
  • What should a complete food record include?
    • Type of food
    • Amount eaten
    • Method of preparation
    • Brand name

Food Record Practice Problems
Distribute a worksheet, pencil, and food list to each participant. After they have completed the worksheet individually, review the answers together.

How to Record Your Food Intake--Accurately
Distribute the "How to Record Your Food Intake--Accurately" handout. Discuss it together.

Discuss different types of food records. (If you have samples available, show them while you're discussing.) Why is each type useful? Which type would be most useful for your family? Discuss the best system for your family to keep a food record.

Distribute blank paper to each participant. Ask them to complete a 24 hour (or 3 day) diet recall. Be as complete as possible, including the important information discussed today.





  • Place your young adult's food record where he or she has easy access to it (i.e., kitchen).
  • Encourage your young adult to help in meal preparation tasks so that he/she can be involved in what products are purchased and how they are prepared.

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