Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

University of Washington (host)


Clare Ryan
Acting Director until 12/15/24

Dan Brown
School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
Anderson Hall 102
University of Washington
3715 W Stevens Way NE
Seattle, WA 98195-2100
Phone:(206) 685-1928

Sonya Stern
Director, Sponsored Project Administration
Office of the Vice President for Research
University of Vermont
217 Waterman Bldg
85 South Prospect Street
Burlington, VT 05405-0160
Phone: (802) 656-1986

Key Research, Technical Assistance, and Education Strengths

School of Environmental and Forest Resources

  • Excellent graduate and undergraduate programs across a wide range of disciplines relevant to federal land management agencies
  • Top-quality research capability to serve natural resources managed by federal agencies
  • Outstanding history of cooperative relationships with federal agencies: cooperative agreements with USFS, the Cooperative Park Studies Unit with NPS (the first one in the nation) and current Cascadia Field Station with USGS BRD
  • Outstanding history of technology transfer: Silviculture Institute, Technical Fire Management, Natural Resources Institute
  • Educational Outreach Program dedicated to coordinating workshops and symposia of interest on themes relevant to land management agencies.
  • Interdisciplinary scientific research focus on urban ecology across a range of natural phenomena

College of Architecture and Urban Planning

  • Ability to complement quantitative scientific data gathering and model building with qualitative research methods and policy dimensions
  • Capacity to translate knowledge into practice through planning and design that implement a sustainable future
  • Experience balancing pragmatic and theoretical societal tensions amongĀ  the demands of development and those of nurturing the environment
  • Dedication to many facets of society involved in land management issues: outreach and service avenues to private and public sectors, to citizens and residents, to often-excluded diverse populations, and to international constituencies

Department of Anthropology

  • Appreciation of the cultural context of environmental and resource management issues
  • Global range of experience with environmental and resource management issues, including field experience in Native American communities in the U.S. and Canada, rural communities in Mexico, indigenous and local marine communities in Australia and Indonesia, forestry practice in India, agro-ecology in Latino communities in southwestern U.S., and medical ecology in East Africa
  • Appreciation of evolutionary ecological and microeconomic theory with respect to human adaptations
  • Expertise in analysis of archaeological evidence
  • Understanding of interaction of biological and cultural factors in human nutritional and medical adaptations

Program on the Environment (PoE)

  • Network of connections in a broad range of units throughout the institution
  • Engagement with a diverse group of undergraduate and graduate students
  • History of creative thought about the interdisciplinary nature of environmental issues and their analysis in an educational setting
  • Practical experience in developing working teams across diverse core disciplines
  • Practical experience in identifying and supporting student efforts outside the institution and incorporating such experience in an overall academic framework

Web pages