
The University of Washington Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Fellowship is a fully accredited one year program for residents entering their PGY-5 year after completing an ACGME accredited General Psychiatry Residency Program.  Our mission is to provide excellent, multidisciplinary subspecialty training in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry by integrating broad clinical experiences with comprehensive didactic training, close clinical supervision, and weekly protected scholarly time which allows a fellow to pursue research and educational activities in a specialized area of interest. Our program provides leadership and organizational skill development together with strong clinical teaching.  This drives our mission of developing qualified, competent, compassionate and ethically-minded academic and community-based clinical leaders in the area of Psychosomatic Medicine.

This fellowship offers both inpatient and outpatient Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry experiences at University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC), Harborview Medical Center (HMC), VA Puget Sound Health Care System and the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA).  The fellows can also work with the hospice-palliative team and Ethics Consult team. We have enriched outpatient clinical experiences in: geriatrics, neurology, oncology, transplants, cardiology, pain, HIV, maternal-infant care, integrated care, ECT, telemedicine.  The UW is a national leader in integrated care and all fellows receive training in integrated models of care providing evidence-based psychiatric treatment in primary care settings. All our fellows attend 3 hours of weekly integrated care didactics, learn to manage an integrated care clinic and we also offer enhanced training for fellows interested in working on an implementation project under expert supervisors.  Fellows will receive a certificate in Integrated Care at the completion of their training. We have excellent opportunities for research and teaching.

The inpatient consultation services provides fellows with an opportunity to work with medical students, residents, PhD psychologists, social workers and clinical nurse specialists working in an excellent interdisciplinary training setting. Our department is focused on excellent teaching and several of our faculty have been recognized with prestigious teaching awards.
The University of Washington's network of hospitals serves 5 states (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho). Our hospitals provide a diverse population in terms of age, ethnic/cultural and socioeconomic mix. HMC is the only Level I adult and pediatric trauma center and regional burn center serving 4 states and has Centers for Emphasis in the areas of: neurosciences; trauma; burns; reconstruction and rehabilitation; the mentally ill, chemically dependent and medically vulnerable; and AIDS/HIV/STD treatment. The Seattle VA has centers of clinical excellence in research and education in geriatrics and mental health.

Our Psychosomatic Medicine Fellowship offers an enriched inpatient and outpatient C-L experience with specialized training in integrated care.  We have the ability to individualize training to meet your interests and needs.