Website: The Blum Center for Developing Economies

October 26, 2013  • Posted in Teaching Resources  •  0 Comments

The #GlobalPOV Project is an innovation in the field of higher education. A mixed-media approach to curriculum and pedagogy, it combines traditional teaching components, such as in-class instruction and independent reading, with online video micro-lectures and social media discussions to capture and maintain the interest of young people who crave intelligent content — content that challenges them to think flexibly, grapple with issues of practice and theory, and question the assumptions of past development efforts.

With intent to shape global poverty and practice action into a field of inquiry, The #GlobalPOV Project converts academic knowledge into formats that are accessible and interesting to the wider public. In particular, the mixed-media strategy is designed to reach a generation of socially conscious “millennials” growing up in a world of online connectivity, engagement and innovation.

Visit the Blum Center Website

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