Academics Stand Against Poverty

December 4, 2013  • Posted in Member Projects  •  0 Comments

Thomas Pogge, Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs, Yale University
Thomas Pogge is President of Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP)–an international professional association focused on helping poverty researchers and teachers enhance their positive impact on severe poverty. ASAP does so by promoting collaboration among poverty-focused academics, effective outreach to policy makers and broader public audiences, and by helping academics turn their expertise into impact through specific intervention projects. ASAP has chapters in Austria, Brazil, Canada, India, Italy, Germany, Mexico, Oceania, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States, with hundreds of members working and studying in universities, research centers and NGOs worldwide. It has vibrant student chapters at the University of Birmingham, Delhi and Manchester, with more under development. ASAP’s principal focus is on poor people in the less developed countries, because that is where poverty tends to be most concentrated and severe and where resources for tackling poverty tend to be scarcer. However, ASAP’s ultimate concern is for people, not for countries, and so it includes within its sphere of activity poor people in affluent countries as well. Learn more at the ASAP website.
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