Member Publications


Journal articles, book chapters and working papers on relational poverty topics

Working Paper: Is Globalization Eliminating Income Poverty – Or Only the Utility of Measuring It?

December 27

Jim Glassman, University of British Columbia It is frequently asked what effects ␣globalization␣ is having on income poverty, with varied...

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Book Chapter: Gender, Difference, and Contestation: Economic Geography through the Lens of Transnational Migration

December 27

Rachel Silvey, University of Toronto The “global woman” is a central figure in contemporary debates about economic globaliza- tion. Indeed,...

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Article: Emotional geographies of development

December 19

Sarah Wright, University of Newcastle Hope, despair, fear, hate, joy, desire and anger; the social sciences has increasingly recognised the role...

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Journal Comment: Are We Violating the Human Rights of the World’s Poor?

December 19

Thomas Pogge, Yale University Answering the title question requires explicating its meaning and then examining the empirical evidence. The first...

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Progress Report: Development and geography: anxious times, anemic geographies, and migration

December 19

Rachel Silvey, University of Toronto In this review essay, first I explore the ways that the desire- and terror-loaded discursive presence of the...

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Book Chapter: Cultural Geographies of Migration and Difference

December 19

Rachel Silvey, University of Toronto As places and “cultures” have grown increasingly deeply interconnected across space and as growing abso-...

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Journal Article: Making Ends Meet: Youth Enterprise at the Intersections

December 3

Stephen Young, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Craig Jeffrey, University of Oxford Much of the scholarship associated with the “urban...

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Journal Article: Gender, Mobility and the Financialization of Development

December 3

Stephen Young, University of Wisconsin, Madison This paper questions popular claims about the capacity of microfinance to reduce poverty and...

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Journal Article: Governing the Homeless in an Age of Compassion

December 3

Tony Sparks, San Francisco State University In 2001, President Bush announced his intention to “end chronic homeless by the year 2012” as...

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