Geography 499 – ‘Reflecting on Global Poverty and Care’

October 16, 2015  • Posted in Teaching Resources  •  0 Comments

Anisa Jackson and Stella Jones (with Koji Pingry)
University of Washington
This syllabus was developed by three undergraduate students at the University of Washington for a peer-facilitated seminar which was open to students enrolled in Dr. Victoria Lawson’s Global Poverty and Care course. The seminar content reflected weekly themes in the larger course and provided participants an opportunity to to reflect on key ideas, deepen understandings and look more closely at difficult concepts. It is also an opportunity for upper-level students to practice facilitation and leadership skills as peer educators. We recommend educators and students consider implementing the model of a course-linked, peer-educated seminar in their own classrooms. Included in this resource are the seminar syllabus and a more developed reflection on our experiences and pedagogy as facilitators.
Download the Syllabus


Download the Reflection

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