Lecture and Chai: Anant Maringanti

May 9, 2015  • Posted in Undergraduate Series  •  0 Comments

Urban Research Beyond the Campus: Experience from Indian Metropolises

Monday, May 4, 3:30 – 5 p.m.

Location:  Thomson Hall (THO) Room 317

This talk will be drawing on work in the Hyderabad Urban Lab but also from a number of other experiments in other cities to demonstrate how  new research agendas can be built by interrogating the spatial imaginaries underpinning the dominant strands of research on urbanization in India.

Anant Maringanti is Executive Director of Hyderabad Urban Lab and an geographer with a PhD from University of Minnesota and has taught graduate courses at the National University of Singapore and University of Hyderabad.His research and teaching interests centre on questions of urbanization and globalization from the South Asian vantage point. He is currently the director of Hyderabad Urban Lab, a multi disciplinary research programme run by the Right to the City Foundation. He is widely published in national and international academic journals on social movements, politics of development and urbanization.

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