On Relational Place, Public Pedagogies and Quiet Politics

April 9, 2019  • Posted in Podcasts  •  0 Comments

Sam Nowak: What are priority research topics on impoverishment and inequality in this moment? What do you think?

Katherine Hankins: […] I think one of the most compelling research areas […] (is) the ways in which knowledge about impoverishment is produced and reproduced – and about how poverty more broadly works. And obviously this is part of what this network is doing, I think, [which] is drawing attention to the relationality of poverty. But I think it is alarming to read the news every day – for example, to read the proposed tax plans and to see an absence of burning in the streets. What do people understand about how poverty and inequality is produced? Why don’t we see burning in the streets?

Katherine: Now what are your thoughts about the priority research topics?

Sam: […] I think in Geography especially we’re in desperate need of more research and work on understanding the relationship between a kind of racial dominance and racial oppression and poverty – especially in this country, but of course all over the world. I think there’s an interesting and important trend in geography of people looking and drawing upon the Black radical tradition to analyze, you know, the current staggering levels of inequality in this country. And that’s something I think is actually incredibly important to understanding this moment, is the intersection of racialized dominance and economic inequality.

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