Soul In A Bottle

July 29, 2020  • Posted in Podcasts  •  0 Comments

Danielle Brown (University of Washington) shares her poetry set titled Soul In A Bottle. This podcast is part of the series on Re-imagining A Black Sense of Place Under Siege: COVID & The Police State.

Soul in A Bottle

My poetry focuses most prominently on the African American quest for freedom, and questions “what does a fully realized Black liberation look like?

I speak now in my authentic voice in order to show you all an intimate glimpse into the experiential knowledge and trauma possessed and gained when one inhabits the world as a Black identifying individual.

Danielle Brown

Listen or subscribe to the series on Apple Podcasts:…/new-poverty-politic…/id1445209423
Listen or subscribe to the series on Stitcher:…/new-poverty-politics-for-changin

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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