ChromaTOF Tile
ChromaTOF Tile is a newly-launched software add on to ChromaTOF for LECO GC×GC-TOFMS instruments. The software is based on the tile-based Fisher ratio method developed in our lab. To find out more, read about ChromaTOF Tile on LECO’s website.
Software Available for Download
Peakmatch – A Chromatographic alignment program (Matlab .m file ~7 KB) K. J. Johnson, B. W. Wright, K. H. Jarman and R. E. Synovec “A High-Speed Peak Matching Algorithm for Retention Time Alignment of Gas Chromatographic Data for Chemometric Analysis” Journal of Chromatography A 2003, 996, 141-155.
Piecewise Alignment GUI V1.01.02
Basic alignment program from Talanta 81 (2010): 120-28 (corrected the bug causing errors while saving data)