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• March 30, 2009 - Teens Health Site
The Teens Health Site from Nemours has a section focused on Alcohol and Drugs as they relate to teens. The site can help answer alcohol related questions like:

-Alcohol-what's the problem?
-Binge Drinking
-Coping With an Alcoholic Parent
-I Think I May Have a Drinking/Drug Problem. What Should I Do?

The site also focuses on drug-related issues like these ones:

-ADHD Medications
-Are Steroids Worth the Risk?
-Drugs: What You Should Know
-I Think I May Have a Drinking/Drug Problem. What Should I Do?
-Prescription Drug Abuse
-What Are the Dangers of Secondhand Smoke?

• July 14, 2006 -
Big Ten Networks Sign Alcohol Advertising Resolution
The Big Ten and Fox Cable Networks announced last week they are setting up a new national sports network -- The Big Ten Channel -- and the Big Ten has specifically prohibited beer ads from the channel. Commissioner Jim Delany is quoted as saying alcohol ads are not consistent with the Big Ten brand or the brand of the member universities and indicated that the ban on beer ads was the first issue the presidents in the conference put on the table.

• February 03, 2006 - Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
2005 Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs Trends in Washington State report
Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drug Abuse Trends in Washington State-2005 is an annually published reference tool that can be used to measure progress in the state's effort to prevent and treat substance abuse. This year's report finds declining trends in adolescent drug and tobacco use. Click: "The Problem: Substance Abuse Prevalence and Trends" to find out more when you get there!

• January 19, 2005 - www.seattletimes.com
Teen drug use drops modestly
Fewer teenagers are smoking cigarettes or using illegal drugs, but a survery released yesterday shows a troubling increase in the use of inhalants by younger adolescents.

• April 20, 2004 - AdAge.com
Anheuser-Busch feels pressure to drop risque commercials. The company is now examining other marketing options, such as product placement, and singled out HBO's Sex and the City as a show that had a huge impact on the wines and spirits business.

• May 27, 2003 -
New Canadian legislation sets stiffer penalties for marijuana distributors, but offers milder punishment for possessors of the drug. Americans expect an increase in the already-rising amount of marijuana to pass through the US border. Experts estimate that marijuana is the 3rd largest agricultural crop in Ontario and British Columbia. [*To read the full New York Times article, please register a free account here]

• May 23, 2003 - AD Age
CBSMarketWatch.com signed a deal with Absolut Vodka, allowing the alcohol firm the Friday 2pm - 8pm advertising slot on their site. The agreement makes use of the "Daypart" advertising concept, wherein firms can stake out advertising time at specific, regularly-occurring periods of the day on Web sites.

• May 15, 2003 - The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Recent studies show that alcohol affects cognitive functions even after drinkers begin to feel sober. When comparing drinkers' cognitive reasoning abilities while at the peak of feeling intoxicated versus the subsequent descent to sobriety, the latter stage was shown to evidence the greater impairment to cognitive functions. Since spatial reasoning skills are especially susceptible to alcohol, this finding presents a further dilemma to drinkers who plan to drive upon sobering up.

• April 16, 2003 - The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Crash victims who have alcohol in their systems suffer worse injuries than those who have not been drinking, according to a new study.

• April 15, 2003 - Seattle Times
Researchers have found a link between mothers who drink during pregnancy and alcoholism in the children later in life.

• March 17, 2003 - AdAge.com
Miller Brewing Co. is taking raunchy marketing to a new extreme with a new crop of sex ads.

• March 12, 2003 - Health Central.com
In an interesting study of twins, where one abused stimulants, and the other did not, researchers have found "evidence of long-term residual effects of stimulant abuse".

• February 25, 2003 - ABC News
Corrected statistics from Columbia University show that
underage drinkers make up one fifth of all US alcohol consumption. "These analyses show that it is not in the alcohol industry's financial interest to voluntarily enact strategies to reduce underage or adult excessive drinking," the researchers said.

• February 24, 2003 -
A new study has found that kids that are heavily pressured to achieve or get into a good school are more likely to abuse substances. What's more, these results were from 6th and 7th graders. There is also a version for parents.

• February 10, 2003 - Newsday.com
Although teen use of Ecstasy has leveled off, most American adolescents see no great risk in experimenting with the drug, according to a study to be released Tuesday by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America.

• February 05, 2003 - CNN.com
A new study shows that girls and young women may become addicted more easily than boys.

• February 04, 2003 - adage.com
In other Super Bowl ad news, researchers have ranked this year's Super Bowl ads by how much each ad is recalled by viewers. Comparing these results to that last story about which ads were best seems to prove that "well-liked" isn't necessarily "well-remembered".

• January 29, 2003 - USA Today
Anheuser-Busch gets this year's top rated Super Bowl ad. With a significant portion of super bowl ads sending pro-beer or anti-drug messages, the possibility of a mixed message being perceived by the millions of teens and children that watch the game seems pretty high.

• December 17, 2002 - The New York Times (requires free registration)
A new study from the Center on Alcohol Marketing to Youth at Georgetown University found that alcohol advertising reaches underage youth. View the full report here (PDF).

• December 16, 2002 - National Institute on Drug Abuse
Results from the annual Monitoring the Future Survey of 8th, 10th and 12th grade students in U.S. schools indicate that use of marijuana, some club drugs, cigarettes and alcohol decreased from 2001 to 2002, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. Read more about it here.

• December 10, 2002 - Boston Globe
Yesterday, The AMA urged the television industry to stop airing ads for alcohol before 10 PM due to a recent study on the effects of adolescent drinking.

• October 19, 2002 - Kitsap County Prevention Services
Survey teams made up of youth and adults from Kitsap County went into 150 local stores which sell alcohol and tobacco products to assess advertising and merchandising practices.

• August 28, 2002 - AdAge.com
Boston Beer Co. will run an ad to apologize for a national radio promotion that encouraged people to have sex in public. Chairman Jim Koch called about 10 bars in Boston to apologize for the promotion, which resulted in a couple having sex in St. Patrick's Cathedral.

• August 13, 2002 - The New Zealand Herald
Smoking cannabis is as bad for your lungs as smoking cigarettes. People who smoked cannabis or tobacco expelled less air in a second than non-smokers and took longer to expel all the air from their lungs because their airways had narrowed slightly.

• August 12, 2002 - JoinTogether.org
Coors has become the official sponsor of U.S. theatrical premieres for Miramax. Under the deal, Coors products will be seen in 15 films over the next three years. In addition, the Coors logo will appear on red carpets, and Coors beer will be served at Miramax parties.

• July 31, 2002 - NIDA
A long-term study has linked adolescent drug use with health problems in early adulthood. Subjects in their mid-to-late twenties who had used drugs as teens reported more health problems than those who had never used drugs, including increased incidence of respiratory conditions, cognitive problems, and headaches, dizziness, and vision problems.

• July 16, 2002 - CSPI
America’s children are getting high exposure to ads for liquor-branded malt beverages known as "alcopops". Public-health advocates say that ads for those drinks, which may total $450 million this year, not only promote alcopops, but are a back-door way for liquor companies like Bacardi, Stolichnaya, Captain Morgan’s, and Smirnoff to put their brand names in front of young audiences on network television.

• June 14, 2002 - JoinTogether.org
Several cable-television networks have begun relaxing their hard-liquor advertising policies, with some already accepting liquor commercials nationally. In the past, cable networks would accept local hard liquor ads, but refused to air liquor advertisements nationally. The first on the scene comes from Bacardi USA, which began running ads for its Bombay Sapphire Gin nationally on five cable networks.

• May 29, 2002 - Washington State DASA
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) asks parents to supervise parties celebrating the end of school year to protect youth from injuries and deaths caused by drinking alcohol, noting that a recent study found that 38 percent of Washington high school seniors regularly have five or more drinks in a row - higher than the national average.

• November 01, 2000 - Washington State DASA
The 2000 Washington State Survey of Adolescent Health Behavior (WSSAHB) reports fewer students in grades six, eight, 10 and 12 using marijuana, alcohol, and other drugs.

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