Chair Secretary Hiroshi FujimotoThe University of Tokyo Tomoyuki ShimonoYokohama National University Associate Editors Alexander LeonessaVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Changqing ShenSoochow University Chao-Chieh LanNational Cheng Kung University Denny OetomoThe University of Melbourne Feitian ZhangGeorge Mason University Guangjun LiuRyerson University Garrett M. ClaytonVillanova University Giovanni BerselliUniversità degli Studi di Genova Hamid Reza KarimiPolitecnico di Milano Hao SuThe City University of New York Hao YangSoochow University Heike ValleryDelft University of Technology Henry ChuThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University Huazhen FangThe University of Kansas Hungsun SonUlsan National Institute of Science and Technology Jens KoberDelft University of Technology Jia PanCity University of Hong Kong Jiajie GuoHuazhong University of Science and Technology Jian ChenZhejiang University Jingang YiRutgers University Jianguo ZhaoColorado State University JingJing JiHuazhong University of Science and Technology Joo-Ho LeeRitsumeikan University Jun UedaGeorgia Institute of Technology Kaiyan YuBinghamton University, State University of New York Kazuyuki MoriokaMeiji University Ken MasuyaTokyo Institute of Technology Kenn OldhamUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor Kenta SekiNagoya Institute of Technology Kun BaiHuazhong University of Science and Technology Kuniaki KawabataJapan Atomic Energy Agency Luzheng BiBeijing Institute of Technology Mahdi TavakoliUniversity of Alberta Mihoko NiitsumaChuo University Min LiMinnesota State University Mingming ZhangThe University of Auckland Mitsuhiro KamezakiWaseda University Mitja TrkovRowan University Naoki MotoiKobe University Pakpong ChirarattananonCity University of Hong Kong Qingsong XuUniversity of Macau Ronghao ZhengZhejiang University Ryozo NagamuneThe University of British Columbia Satoshi SuzukiTokyo Denki University Sehoon OhDaegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology Seiichiro KatsuraKeio University Shaohui FoongNational University of Singapore Silu ChenCAS Ningbo Institute of Industrial Technology Soichi IbarakiHiroshima University Soo JeonUniversity of Waterloo Sousuke NakamuraHosei University Takahiro NozakiKeio University Tao LiuZhejiang University Taro NakamuraChuo University Toshiaki TsujiSaitama University Toshiyuki MurakamiKeio University Valentin IvanovTechnical University of Ilmenau Wataru OhnishiThe University of Tokyo Wei MengThe University of Tokyo Wenjun ZhangUniversity of Saskatchewan Xiangpeng LiSoochow University Xiaobo TanMichigan State University Xinkai ChenShibaura Institute of Technology Xinyu LiuUniversity of Toronto Ya-jun PanDalhousie University Yan WanThe University of Texas at Arlington Yasutaka FujimotoYokohama National University Yen-Chen LiuNational Cheng Kung University Yoshihiro MaedaNagoya Institute of Technology Yu GuWest Virginia University Yu XieXiamen University Yuki NagatsuChuo University Yunjiang LouHarbin Institute of Technology Zhang LiThe Chinese University of Hong Kong Zheng ChenUniversity of Houston Zheng ChenZhejiang University Zhenhua XiongShanghai Jiao Tong University Zhijun LiSouth China University of Technology Zhiqiang ZhangUniversity of Leeds Zongxuan SunUniversity of Minnesota Zuo LeiVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University