Joining the session
- Prepare your workspace for the session
- Minimize distractions, silence any phones
- Close unnecessary windows/applications
- Remove or hide any confidential or inappropriate content
- Disable pop-up notifications where applicable (e.g. Outlook)
- Check your microphone, camera and screen sharing
- If you’re using an external microphone or camera, make sure to plug them in
- You can also join a test meeting to verify that your microphone and camera work
- Connect to the session using the Zoom link on Papercept.
(If you have the Zoom app installed, open the link using the Zoom app.) - Click on Join Audio by Computer, enable your microphone, and start your video.
(If you’re having problems, let the volunteer know.) - Locate the session chair/co-chair
- Session chairs will show up as (Chair) (Co-host) in the participant list
- Session co-chairs will show up as (Co-Chair) (Co-host) in the participant list
- Locate the session volunteer
- Session volunteers will show up as (Volunteer) (Host) in the participant list
5-10 minutes before the session
- The chair/co-chair will ask you to do a quick check
- Follow their instructions to test your microphone, video and screen sharing settings
- If you need to play a video with audio, make sure to enable desktop audio when screen sharing using the “Share computer sound” option
Some sharing options may not be available for some web versions of Zoom
- Check that you are listed as a co-host in the participants’ panel
- If not, ask the volunteer to promote you to a co-host
If you join the meeting after the session has already started, you will need to use the chat panel to communicate with the chair/co-chair, as your microphone will be muted. If you are having trouble contacting the chair/co-chair, please contact the session volunteer (preferably through the chat panel in Zoom, or through Slack if that does not work).
- If not, ask the volunteer to promote you to a co-host
Before presenting
- Get your presentation ready
- Make sure any files you need are on your computer and tested
Using offline copies of your files will reduce the risk of connection issues
Do not rely on online resources during your presentation
- Make sure any files you need are on your computer and tested
- Double-check that you do not have any unnecessary/confidential/private files or programs open
- Unmute yourself
- Start screen sharing
- Confirm with the chair/co-chair that your screen is visible