The sponsors and organizers of AIM 2020 invite submissions of high-quality mechatronics research papers describing original work, including but not limited to the following topics: Actuators, Automotive Systems, Bioengineering, Data Storage Systems, Electronic Packaging, Fault Diagnosis, Human-Machine Interfaces, Industry Applications, Information Technology, Intelligent Systems, Machine Vision, Manufacturing, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, Micro/Nano Technology, Modeling and Design, System Identification and Adaptive Control, Motion Control, Vibration and Noise Control, Neural and Fuzzy Control, Opto-Electronic Systems, Optomechatronics, Prototyping, Real-Time and Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation, Robotics, Sensors, System Integration, Transportation Systems, Smart Materials and Structures, Energy Harvesting, and other frontier fields.
In addition, participants of AIM 2020 have the opportunity to submit currently to AIM and to IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (TMech). See TMech/AIM 2020 Concurrent Submission, TMech Focus Session on AIM, and TMech Paper Presentation at AIM for details.
Submission via PaperPlaza
All contributed and invited papers, tutorial and workshop proposals, and invited and special session proposals must be uploaded through PaperPlaza according to the deadlines below.
- January 8, 2020: Submission of Basic Paper Information by authors interested in “TMech/AIM 2020 Concurrent Submission“
February 14March 1, 2020: Submission of Special & Invited Session ProposalsFebruary 14March 1, 2020: Submission of Tutorial & Workshop ProposalsFebruary 28March 8, 2020: Submission of Contributed & Invited Papers- May 1, 2020: Notification of AIM Paper Acceptance
- May 1, 2020: Interested authors of TMech accepted papers between August 1, 2019 and March 15, 2020 submit intentions to present their paper at AIM 2020.
- June 1, 2020: Final Paper Submission
- May 15, 2020: Registration Opens
*All deadlines are 23:59pm US PDT
Contributed & Invited Papers
All papers go through a rigorous review process. Accepted papers will be presented by their authors at the conference. All accepted peer-reviewed manuscripts will be published in the conference proceedings, and will be submitted for inclusion in IEEEXplore, subject to formatting and copyright requirements.
Tutorials & Workshops
Proposals are invited for half-day or full-day tutorials and workshops. Workshops explore the frontiers of recent or emerging topics in mechatronics, while tutorials provide a foundation for future self-study in important areas of mechatronics. Tutorial and workshop proposals must include: (1) a statement of objectives, (2) a description of the intended audience, and (3) a list of speakers with an outline of their planned presentations. Unless specifically requested, individual tutorial and workshop presentations are not peer-reviewed, and do not appear in the proceedings.
Invited & Special Sessions
Proposals are invited for invited and special sessions. Invited sessions consist of 4 to 6 thematically related invited papers. Invited session proposals consist of a brief statement of purpose and extended abstracts of the included invited papers. Invited papers are submitted and reviewed following the same process as contributed papers, and are included in the proceedings.
Paper Length
A manuscript should be of 6 pages, with 2 additional pages allowed but at an extra charge of US$100/page.
Conference Paper Review
All papers submitted to AIM 2020 will undergo a peer review process. A manuscript will be reviewed by at least three reviewers, who will provide detailed comments and – if the submission gets accepted – the authors submit a revised (“camera-ready”) version that takes into account this feedback. The review process is managed by the program chair, the program co-chairs, the editors, and the conference associate editors.
All papers are reviewed using a single-blind review process, where the authors declare their names and affiliations in the manuscript for the reviewers to see, but reviewers do not know each other’s identities, nor do the authors receive information about who has reviewed their manuscript. A maximum of eight to ten full papers will be evaluated per reviewer. With this method, reviewers are free to be completely honest in their assessments without fear of harassment and they also benefit from evaluating the author’s current research in the context of the author’s past work.
Download the AIM 2020 Call for
Papers Flyer Click here