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BIC Workshops

REDCap Workshop Series

Session 1: Intro to REDCap

Description: Course is targeted to individuals who are new to REDCap or would like to gain more experience with the REDCap system. In this two hour course, we will use REDCap to demonstrate and practice entering, storing, and managing epidemiologic data.

Location: HRC 101

Registration forms: Oct. 22, 2024 & Feb. 7, 2025, 12:30 – 2:30 PM

Pre-work: Here are materials you’ll need to view as a workshop participant. Most importantly, please come to the workshop having downloaded and set up REDCap on your device (How to Set up REDCap on your device).

Post-session work: evaluation form 2024/2025 (takes <5 mins)


Session 2: REDCap Mobile

Description: This workshop focuses on how to conduct offline data collection using the REDCap Mobile App. Please download the REDCap Mobile App to your device (phone or tablet) in advance, using your device’s app store. We will be using a test project to practice set up and collection procedures, but if you would like to use your own REDCap project, ensure you have an active REDCap account and a project created.

Location: HRC 101

Registration forms: Jan. 10, 2025, 10 AM – 12 PM & Apr. 25, 2025, 10 AM – 12 PM

Pre-work: Download the redcap mobile app onto your phone. Common Questions: 1.) Do I need to attend session 1 Intro to REDCap before this session? Answer: It is best if you do for more context but it is not required. 2.) Should I create a new account that is different than my laptop version account to log on? Answer: No need to do anything on the app in advance aside from downloading. The log in process on the app is different than the usual web login and we will go over that during the workshop.

Post-session work: evaluation form 2024/2025 (takes <5 mins)


Session 3: REDCap eConsent Process – Details coming soon!

Location: HRC 101

Registration forms:  May 16, 2025, 10 AM – 12 PM

Post-session work: evaluation form 2024/2025 (takes <5 mins)