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Implementation Science Core

The Implementation Science Core provides resources to develop implementation science expertise within the CFAR community.

Advances in HIV prevention and treatment interventions, together with unprecedented investments to bring these interventions to scale, presents an opportunity to prevent new infections, avert HIV-related morbidity and mortality, and dramatically alter the HIV/AIDS epidemic. However, the full potential of recent scientific advances in HIV treatment and prevention has yet to be realized, and efficacious interventions have not been adequately scaled into effective programs. Implementation science can improve the uptake and effectiveness of these programs, and impact health at the population level.

The Implementation Science Core provides resources to develop implementation science expertise within the CFAR community. We foster new interdisciplinary implementation science research and link UW’s research and public health activities to promote implementation science in real-world public health settings. The goal of the Implementation Science Core is to create new training opportunities for junior researchers, lead to new and innovative research, and ultimately improve the speed, efficiency, and quality of efforts to translate scientific evidence on HIV prevention and care into effective, large-scale health programs.

Implementation Science Research Consultation
Implementation Science Research Consultation to help CFAR investigators form interdisciplinary teams; translate their research into public health or clinical practice; and provide technical support in implementation science measures, research design, economic modeling, and disease transmission modeling. Please complete a Request for Consultation to access this service.

Implementation Science Consultation Request Form

Health Economics Impact Study for Translation
HEIST is a program affiliated with the CFAR Implementation Science Core in the Department of Global Health that facilitates integration of health economic analyses into public health research to provide information on costs, affordability (budget impact) and efficiency (cost-effectiveness) alongside efficacy estimates from studies. HEIST researchers collaborate with faculty, staff, and students to provide mentorship on costing, cost-effectiveness analyses, budget impact analyses, and modeling for grant proposals and funded projects.


Learn more about HEIST

HEIST Consultation Request Form

Intensive Course in Fundamentals of Implementation Science in Global Health: August 14-18, 2023 (held annually)

LunchBox Talk Series (bi-monthly) in partnership with Public Health Seattle & King County (PHSKC) to bring together public health and academic researchers

RAISE & NASTAD Webinar Series (monthly) in partnership with NASTAD to explore opportunities for integration of implementation science methods in health department HIV programming and evaluation to End the HIV Epidemic

Working in Implementation Science (WISE) invites UW faculty, staff, fellows, and trainees with an interest in implementation science to share ideas in a supportive peer-to-peer environment.  The group meets twice a month, focusing on members’ work in progress including grant proposals, manuscripts, and presentations.

Implementation Science Symposium (biennial) highlighting global and domestic implementation science to help foster collaboration between CFAR researchers and external institutions

ESI Mentoring Group (monthly) to develop novel research methods for IS, foster interdisciplinary collaboration, and coordinate responses to funding opportunities

Kenneth Gimbel-Sherr, PhD, MPH – Core Director

Matthew Golden, MD, MPH – Core Co-Director

Christine Khosropour, PhD, MPH – Core Associate Director

Arianna Rubin Means, PhD, MPH – Core Associate Director

Monisha Sharma, PhD, MSPH – Core Faculty

Shan Liu, PhD, MS – Core Faculty