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Health Economics Impact Study for Translation

Health Economics Impact Study for Translation (HEIST)

The HIV epidemic has been met with an unprecedented international response including financing for prevention and treatment interventions. Economic evaluations can help identify interventions that maximize health impacts given resource constraints.. To support this, the WHO has published cost-effectiveness analysis guidelines for the evaluation of HIV prevention interventions. The Health Economics Impact Study for Translation provides researchers with the tools to evaluate the economic impact of HIV/AIDS interventions; providing information for decision makers to define priorities and allocate resources. The areas of expertise of the team include health economics, mathematical modeling, epidemiology, clinical trials, infectious diseases and health metrics. Our goal is to support researchers to incorporate economic evaluations into their clinical/implementation research.

HEIST’s services and resources can be accessed during the grant writing period and continue with provision of technical support for designing and conducting health economic evaluations, offering a series of training workshops, linking researchers with existing guidelines, resources and projects, strengthening capacity at the country level, manuscript review and dissemination support.

Who is HEIST

Monisha Sharma, HEIST Director

Yanfang Su

David Watkins

Marcia Weaver

HEIST Services

Workshops & Seminars: HEIST hosts an annual economic evaluation workshop. The next workshop is scheduled for Fall 2025. To access recordings of previous workshops, click here.

Consultation: HEIST provides consultations for costing and health economic evaluations to help UW investigators form interdisciplinary teams; translate their research into public health or clinical practice; and provide technical support in measures, research design, economic modeling, and disease transmission modeling. Please complete a Request for Consultation to access this service.

Contact HEIST