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Past CFAR International Infrastructure Awards


PI: Kawango Agot, PhD
Project: Purchase of a transformer, and labor and material costs associated with distributing the resulting power
The Impact Research & Development Organization (IRDO) is requesting for financial support from CFAR to purchase a transformer from KPLC to mount at the site to address the frequent power failures, spikes, voltage drops and brownouts that pose a huge risk to the costly laboratory and pharmacy equipment, and makes it difficult to optimally operate the equipment, run tests, prepare investigational products, and have uninterrupted server and data management at the site. To accommodate the current high load, and with more heavy equipment being purchased (GeneXpert Analyzer, generously subsidized by the manufacturer (Cepheid), is being delivered in the next few months), KPLC proposed a 50KVA transformer.

PI: Elizabeth Bukusi, MBChB, MMed, MPH, PhD
Project: Set up and renovation of a fabricated container into an archival facility for UWKEMRI-RCTP studies at Lumumba Sub-County Hospital
We propose to set up a fabricated container in the newly allocated space at the KEMRI Centre for Global Health Research premises and renovate it into an archival facility for UWKEMRI- RCTP studies. The renovations will include installing shelves and cabinets to hold study documents, fire-proofing it; and making it damp-free and secure.

PI: Heather Jaspan, MD, PhD
Project: Purchase of prefabricated modular unit with two rooms in the Provincial Department of Health Facility in Cape Town, South Africa
We propose to purchase a prefabricated modular unit with two rooms:

  • Room one – Consulting room with sink and space for examination couch
  • Room two – Office and CRF storage space

The prefabricated unit will be incorporated in the existing footprint of the CIDRI-Africa (Ekaya Vac) containers which are located at Site B. CIDRI-Africa, of which Dr. Jaspan is a contributing investigator. CODRI-Africa conducts research on TB and HIV, including HIV vaccine trials with the HVTN.

PI: Scott McClelland, MD, MPH
Project: Roofing renovations at Ganjoni Dispensary, a County Government Mombasa health facility
For the proposed roofing renovations, a contractor will be hired to remove the old rusty iron roofing sheets and replace with new ones. The ceilings damaged by the rain water will be patched or removed and replaced where necessary.

PI: Irene Njuguna, MBChB, MSc, PhD
Project: Refurbishing of shipping containers at Kisumu County and Referral Hospital (KCRH) and Rachuonyo Sub-County Hospital
Refurbishing of container at Kisumu County and Referral Hospital

  1. Creating partition to make 4 study spaces: The space will be used for a child and youth waiting area and three neurocognitive or mental health testing rooms.
  2. Fitting windows and doors: Each room will have secure doors and windows, with mosquito proof wire netting over the windows and blinds.
  3. Painting: The walls in the interior and exterior will be painted with child friendly colors to make the rooms comfortable for children and adolescents.
  4. Fitting of floor tiles: The rooms will be fitted with floor tiles to make it easy to clean.
  5. Plumbing: 2 wash basins will be fitted and running water installed to allow handwashing and sanitary conditions.
  6. Electrical installation: The rooms will be fitted with lamps for lighting and sockets to charge computers.
  7. Concrete pavement around container: A concrete slab and pavement will be installed at the front of the container to keep the inside clean.

Refurbishing of container at Rachuonyo County hospital

  1. Fitting of floor tiles: The rooms will be fitted with floor tiles to make it easy to clean.
  2. Plumbing: 2 wash basins will be fitted and running water installed to allow handwashing and sanitary conditions.
  3. Concrete pavement around container: A concrete slab and pavement will be installed at the front of the container to keep the inside clean.
  4. Painting: The walls in the interior and exterior will be painted with child friendly colors to make the rooms comfortable for children and adolescents.

PI: Bhavna Chohan, MSc, PhD
Project: Purchase of a Merck Millipore’s Elix® Essential 3 Water Purification System with UV essential S.kit
We propose to purchase the Elix® Essential Water Purification system for installation at the CTRL [Clinical Trials Research Lab, University of Nairobi] to ensure a reliable supply of high-quality purified water for use for PHRD and other UW collaborating studies. This resource will ensure that the high quality of clinical laboratories services continue to be provided to underserved populations of young girls, adolescents, women and HIV serodiscordant couples that are supported through UW-sponsored PHRD studies.

PI: Geoffrey Gottlieb, MD, PhD
Project: Purchase of remote freezer/refrigerator temperature monitoring system 
We propose to purchase a remote Sensaphone wireless freezer and refrigerator temperature monitoring system (see attached quote) for out laboratories at Service des Maladies Infectieuses (SMIT), CHNU Fann, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, and at Centre de Sante de Ziguinchor in Casamance. Due to frequent power outages and aging infrastructure in Senegal, a remote freezer and refrigerator monitoring system is important in our efforts to maintain quality control over sample and reagent storage. The system allows for remote monitoring and alerts to our Senegalese lab managers as well as to our lab managers in Seattle. Have this system in place will allow for real-time notifications and assessments of our freezers, especially during the COVID-19 epidemic where there are limited team members in the labs in Dakar and Ziguinchor. Now and post-pandemic the system will allow for monitoring freezer function at night, on weekends and holidays.

PI: Benson Singa, MBChB, MPH
Project: Renovation and increasing capacity of existing archiving and supplies storage space
This proposal will impact the existing KEMRI storage space in the following ways:

  • Help in the separation and re-organization of the current spaces to improve in the proper storage and retrieval of supplies from the stores
  • Increase archiving space for closed out studies (some of which are currently at the study sites which are already facing working space issues)
  • Increased work efficiency for the archivist in retrieval of archived study documents (with less time and manpower spent in storage and retrieval of documents)
  • Consolidate archiving of all closed studies archiving for security, accountability, and maintaining proper records for all studies in one place

PI: Hannock Tweya, PhD, MSc
Project: Purchase of an inverter charger based power back-up system
Through this grant, Lighthouse Trust of Malawi will procure the following:

  1. A 7.5KVA – 6,000 Watts inverter to support the M&E and IT office. The inverter will help power the 4 desktops in the M&E and IT office and the 8 servers in the IT office.
  2. Eight Samsung Galaxy Tablets that are water resistant, drop proof and shock proof to be used for data collection by field tracers that travel to urban and remote areas to trace defaulted patients and bring them back to care.

These activities will provide significant support to sustain Lighthouse Trust research activities. The inverter will ensure that all data management hardware and software stay powered through blackouts, which will improve efficiency and reduce data entry backlog and data quality issues. Similarly, using tablets for fieldwork will enable large volumes of data to be collected and safely secured, minimize human error, ensuring quality data for analysis. Collectively, procuring the activities mentioned above will improve Lighthouse’s data management, and data quality for all research studies.

PI: Geoffrey Gottlieb, MD, PhD
Project: Purchase of Abbott/Alere PIMATM CD4 count analyzer
The Centre de Sante de Ziguinchor in Casamance, Senegal has one CD4 count machine (FACSCount, BD) for the whole district, this is used for both clinical care and research studies. The FACSCount machine is very old and is no longer functioning and has not be able to be repaired by that Senegal National HIV Program for >6 months. Lack of CD4 count capacity in Ziguinchor has impacted both patient care and UW research studies. In addition, once fixed, the capacity of the existing CD4 count machine has outpaced the demand capacity for both clinical care and research studies at the Centre de Sante de Ziguinchor. We are proposing to purchase a point of care Abbott/Alere PIMATM CD4 count analyzer for use for our research studies in Ziguinchor.

PI: John Kinuthia, MBChB, MMED, MPH
Project: Purchase of containers to set up dedicated research space at a Discordant Couples’ Clinic (DCC)
The proposed project will fund purchase of 2 twenty feet containers to set up a dedicated research space at the Discordant Couples’ Clinic (DCC), located at Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH). The DCC was established in 2013 to offer couple-centered HIV care, prevention, and safer conception services to HIV sero-discordant couples. Services provided include antiretroviral therapy for HIV-positive partners and pre-exposure prophylaxis to the HIV-negative partner until the positive partner is virally suppressed.

PI: Rose Bosire, MBChB, MPH
Project: Purchase of Cephid and GeneXpert® GXIV 4 module with desktop printer
This Point-of-care GeneXpert Platform will be a major investment for the research laboratory as it will simplify work flow with the ease of use, and the short turnaround time will present the potential to improve access to HIV viral load monitoring. It will also allow integration and performance of other STI and Tuberculosis diagnostic assays for research studies and clinical trials that serve women and their infants as well as adolescents and young women living with HIV, and people who inject drugs (PWID) who are among the key populations served by the UW Collaborative studies.

PI: Sylvia LaCourse, MD, MPH
Project: Purchase of a large Liquid Nitrogen tank Cyromaster 6000
We propose to purchase a Cryogenic LN2 Tank to hold a maximum of 6000 samples at temperatures of 1960C for storage. This Cryogenic LN2 Tank will ensure the reliable preservation of the precious samples for research studies and clinical trials that serves the mothers and their infants as well as the adolescents and young women living with HIV, who are among the key populations served by the UW Collaborative studies in the Nyanza region of Western Kenya.

PI: Dara Lehman, PhD
Project: Purchase of Freezerworks inventory software for specimen tracking

The old version of Freezerworks is not compatible with the new operating system. An updated version of Freezerworks is essential to utilize the current inventory of irreplaceable archived specimens from completed cohort studies and will enable efficient inventory and tracking of specimens from new cohort studies.

PI: R. Scott McClelland, MD, MPH
Project: Raising the perimeter wall for security at Ganjoni Clinic

During the past 1-2 years, there has been an increase in property crimes in the Ganjoni neighborhood, and the clinic is a potentially attractive target for thieves. We propose to hire a contractor to raise our current 1.3 meter perimeter wall to 2.3 meters. This involves removing the top of the current 1.3 meter wall, extending the height to 2.3 meters using cut coral blocks , plastering and painting the wall.

PI: Lishomwa NdhLovu, MD, PhD
Project: Purchase of a refrigerated centrifuge and a cryoshipper for the Biotechnology Center at University of Yaounde

This proposal requests support to acquire a refrigerated centrifuge and cryoshipper which will be a valuable resource that will be shared and will benefit other researchers. Samples that are collected can be properly processed, shipped and stored under correct conditions to ensure the highest quality. It will also enable us expand our scope of immunology investigations beyond just plasma assays of antibodies and cytokines as we will be able to obtain PBMCs locally, ship them and store them for further analysis in flow cytometry assays.

PI: Paul Drain
Project: Equipment purchase for POC HbA1c and cholesterol testing

We would like to leverage our clinical study and the health care infrastructure to obtain equipment for the diagnosis and management of diabetes and high cholesterol. Before we can obtain additional research funding for a large clinical trial, we plan to collect additional data on the prevalence of diabetes and hyperlipidemia, as well as pilot data on the feasibility of performing rapid, POC testing for hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and cholesterol. We are therefore asking for support to purchase the equipment needed for POC HbA1c and cholesterol testing.

PI: David Horne
Project: Storage unit study space at Kisumu County Hospital

The proposed project will fund dedicated research space at Kisumu County Hospital (KCH), located in Kisumu, the 3rd largest city in Kenya and the major urban area in western Kenya. Kenya is 13th among high burden TB countries, and western Kenya has the highest TB and HIV rates in Kenya. TB-prevalence among PLHIV in the region (formerly known as Nyanza province) is 2,100/100,000 (U.S. prevalence is ~3/100,000). KCH, established in 1900, is a referral hospital that provides inpatient care in internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology, and surgery. In addition, KCH has an outpatient HIV care clinic that cares for more than 20,000 individuals and a very busy maternal and child health clinic.

Study space is needed for study procedures that include participant interviews, physical examinations, and laboratory investigations; space for study staff and junior investigators; and a repository for research materials. Re-fitted shipping containers have been successfully used for research purposes at other UW study sites and have proven durable and secure. UW investigators at KCH are working to generate preliminary data and other funding sources to support vital infrastructure development are unavailable.

PI: Nelly Mugo
Project: Temperature Sensors for Sample Repositories

We propose to purchase a real time temperature monitoring system for the freezers and refrigerators used for specimen and reagent storage at the PHRD laboratories in Nairobi and Thika, Kenya. The following equipment are available at the Nairobi laboratory: 1) two -800C freezers for long term storage of specimens from different research studies, clinical trials and principal investigators, 2) one -200C freezer for storage of specimens like dry blood spots, 3) two 2-80C refrigerators for the storage of test reagents. The following equipment are available at the Thika laboratory: 1) two -800C freezers for long term storage of specimens from different research studies, clinical trials and principal investigators, 2) one -200C freezer for storage of specimens like dry blood spots, 3) one 2-80C refrigerators for the storage of test reagents. None of the equipment is connected to any form of real time temperature monitoring system.

We propose the purchase and installation of a CTMS to monitor our freezers and refrigerators. This will ensure temperatures are monitored round the clock to correct any out of range values. Installing this CTMS will ensure that the integrity of specimens and reagents stored within the freezers and refrigerators are maintained ensuring reliable results hence contributing to accuracy of test results and better science quality. Since the current temperature monitoring strategy involves laboratory staff physically monitoring the temperatures, the CTMS will also ensure that staff time that would have been used in temperature monitoring for other equally important laboratory activities to improve quality of laboratory. The system will increase accuracy in monitoring freezer and refrigerator temperatures by automating the exercise. The CTMS will ensure added value to the two PHRD laboratories. This will ensure provision of more reliable and trusted study and clinical laboratories services to underserved young girls, adolescents, women and discordant couples who are among the key populations served by the PHRD Laboratories.

PI: Andrew Mujugira
Project: Inverter for backup electricity

This proposal requests funds to purchase a sine wave hybrid inverter from UltraTec, the local supplier, who will also install the equipment at the CRS. Inverter installation will take about 3 hours. The Infectious Disease Institute will oversee installation of the inverter and ensure regular servicing and maintenance.

PI: Alastair van Heerden
Project: Development of a laboratory space

We propose to purchase a prefabricated modular unit that will be fitted as a site laboratory to enhance the clinical and point of care diagnostics. The prefabricated unit will be incorporated in the existing footprint of the HSRC offices and replace current office space. The laboratory space will be fitted with appropriate stainless steel counters and non-slip flooring for (i) specimen inventory, management and preparation for transshipment or storage, (ii) charging and storage for portable point of care diagnostic devices for HIV-1 viral load, hemoglobin A1c, creatinine, and CD4 results, and (iii) space for the processing of whole blood specimen, including centrifuging which is necessary for point-of-care viral load testing. The resources to more effectively manage study equipment, and provide on-site support for participant screening and eligibility validation will ensure more efficient and improved fidelity in the implementation of research protocols.

PI: Michael Chung
Project: Laboratory Space at Coptic Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya

TREE, in collaboration with the Coptic Hospital, proposes to expand the existing laboratory space. The new laboratory space is aimed at increasing back-up specimen processing and sample storage for UW-affiliated laboratories in Kenya including those in the University of Nairobi Pediatrics and Obstetrics & Gynaecology Departments. The TREE laboratory at Coptic would be used as a training hub for good clinical laboratory practice (GCLP) for UW-affiliated staff and co-investigators. The space being donated to UW and TREE by the Coptic leadership is currently a waiting room and clinical space for patients that will need to be renovated into a research lab. With this infrastructure award, we propose to separate the additional space into four areas: a laboratory office, a main laboratory area, a pre-PCR room, and a post PCR room. Renovation will entail partitioning of the space to segregate the rooms and installation of key utilities like sinks, air conditioners, working benches and power outputs. Note that CFAR infrastructure funds would not be used to change the footprint of the lab which is being freely offered by Coptic at considerable cost to themselves.

This new lab space will have a total area of 235 square feet, and will be able to accommodate additional equipment including several -800C freezers. This will increase TREE laboratory capacity for long-term sample storage and provide a growing repository of biological specimens for future research efforts. A new pre-PCR room will be exclusively dedicated to PCR set-up will be used as a clean room exclusively for master mix preparation. This will help reduce the risk of contamination during master mix preparation. A new post-PCR room will be used for HIV PCR amplification, OLA ligation, and detection. The room will have a separate entrance from the other laboratory areas and an ante room for donning and removing gloves and laboratory coats. The room will also have sufficient space to train at least four laboratory personnel at a time. Finally, a new office space will allow staff members to comfortably perform their official work to avoid traffic in the sample processing benches, and will be used for storage of study records.

PI: Alison Drake
Project: Modify a Storage Container for HIV Research Study Space at Mathare North Health Center

The University of Washington (UW) and University of Nairobi (UoN) have conducted collaborative research for over 25 years including multisite studies involving women and children. The UW-Kenya Research and Training Center was established in 1985 and has yielded studies on HIV transmission, microbicides, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, studies on genital and breastmilk HIV shedding and immunologic correlates of protection. Currently, we are conducting a randomized clinical trial of short message system (SMS) among HIV-infected pregnant and postpartum women in Kenya designed to improve maternal HIV adherence and retention during and beyond pregnancy/postpartum. We are also conducting a study that will test acceptability of home-based oral HIV testing for repeat HIV testing during pregnancy. These studies will help identify new maternal HIV infections and test strategies to improve maternal and infant HIV outcomes. Both studies are conducted in Nairobi and in the Nyanza region of Kenya. The Mathare North clinic has been a study site for HIV research for nearly 20 years. We have strong collaborations with the facility and staff, which have led to highly productive research studies that aim to prevent and treat HIV infections among women and children.  We propose to modify a shipping container to provide space for HIV/STI related research activities, including a reception space.

PI: Geoffrey Gottlieb
Project: Study Space for the University of Washington-Senegal Research Collaboration

We are requesting funds for the renovation of an existing structure to provide additional space for study activities. This will include additional lab space for the processing and storage of specimens and additional office space. The existing structure has been provided by the Centre de Santé de Ziguinchor and is adjacent to the current laboratory. It will be used to house the -80 C freezer which has been provided by the Clinique des Maladies Infectieuses-CHNU- Fann. It will also be used to provide shared office space for our study coordinator, study physician, and visiting PIs.

Funds will not be used to change the existing blueprint of the structure. The current structure is in disrepair and is in need of renovation before specimens can be safely stored there. For example, the harsh climate during the rainy season in Ziguinchor necessitates reinforcements to prevent flooding. Electrical repairs are needed prior to installing the new freezer and repairs of the windows and doors are needed to enhance security. We are seeking funds to repair and reinforce existing walls, repair and reinforce the ceiling, roof, and floor, and replace the windows and doors. Funds will also be used to provide necessary electrical repairs and purchase basic office furniture.

PI: Jorge Alarcon
Project: Renovation and Development of Clinical Space and Clinicial Research Unit

PICTURE 4 SENSAPHONE ALARM.jpgThis award will support the renovation of  existing unused clinical space in the building adjacent to the UNMSM Tropical Medicine Institute to permit implementation of new clinical trials studies, especially for patients with tuberculosis with and without HIV co-infection. Peru has some of the highest rates of TB, multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) TB in the world, and these rates are highest in HIV co-infected people, further increasing the importance of providing a clinical space where risk of airborne transmission of TB is reduced. The presence of an on-site pharmacy will permit implementation of clinical trials of new treatments for both HIV and TB. This award will upgrade the capacity of the CITBM Health Clinic based at UNMSM. Several activities are proposed to implement a research pharmacy and reduce risk of airborne transmission of tuberculosis in clinical examination rooms where study participants with tuberculosis and HIV will participate in research. The clinic will also provide HAART treatment for HIV-infected patients referred from Peruvian Ministry of Health screening centers. Overall, these changes will allow the CITBM and their collaborating institutions to eventually increase capacity for future clinical trials.

PI: Bhavna Chohan
Project: Equipment for the Pediatrics Research Laboratory
The University of Washington Pediatrics research laboratory, within the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, was developed in collaboration with international colleagues and the University of Nairobi HIV/AIDS research program. Over 18 years of operation, the lab has become a principal storage center in Nairobi, Kenya for approximately 70,000 samples from various clinical cohorts, but there is a lot of heat created in the repository by its 6 freezers. The current 2 air-conditioners in the repository are nearly 10 years old and not functioning well, in spite of yearly maintenance and replacement of the compressors in the repository, which results in overheating of the repository with resultant frequent breakdown of the -80C freezers leading to major repair costs. Furthermore, an installation of a third air-conditioner as a back-up so that at least 2 air conditioners are left on at any one time would be a better option and would remove the overload on a single air-conditionerThese will benefit numerous research projects and a large number of investigators that are dependent on this laboratory as this Nairobi core laboratory provides support for the various research studies and also provides resources for trainees and junior researchers associated with University of Washington.

PI: Geoffrey Gottlieb
Project: Transportation Needs for Centre de Sante de Ziguinchor

Gottlieb Vehicle.pngThe University of Washington and the Service des Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales (SMIT), CHNU-Fann, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal have had an ongoingcollaboration studying HIV since the early 1990’s. In 2011, we established. a new clinical research site at the “Centre de Sante de Ziguinchor” in Ziguinchor, Casamance Region, Senegal (~450km south of Dakar). Over the last 20 years, we have found it imperative to have a study vehicle to provide for the transportation needs of our ongoing studies and expand our collaborations. We propose to replace our existing study vehicle (Volkswagen Golf) that is no longer functional and deemed not repairable with a “new” pre-owned study vehicle. We plan on purchasing a pre-owned sports utility vehicle (all-wheel-drive) that will allow for conveyance of passengers, equipment and supplies and that is robust enough to make the journey on “African roads” between Dakar and Ziguinchor (~450km). CFAR funding of this critical infrastructure will help the UW Senegal collaboration continue its mission of research, training and care in Senegal.

PI: Kenneth Ngure
Equipment for Thika Field Laboratory
The Partners in Health Research and Development (PHRD), was established in 2006 as one of the clinical trial sites to conduct the HSV/HIV Transmission Study in collaboration with International Clinical Research Center (ICRC), Department of Global health, University of Washington. The clinic site is located in Thika town about 50km from Nairobi city. For the laboratory services, the centralized Clinical Trials Research Laboratory (CTRL) at the University of Nairobi has supported the UW-ICRC studies for close to 10 years. This requires daily courier for transportation of samples and receipt of results between Thika and Nairobi. The distance for couriering of the samples and delay in the results has been quite an inconvenience especially when test results participant samples are urgently required for clinical decisions. This proposal is to set-up and optimize our Thika field laboratory to be able to perform several point-of-care testing of samples. A specific need is a dry chemistry analyzer. This will help the Thika site laboratory to support small studies and act as point-of-care diagnosis at the Thika site for the participants in the various research and clinical trial P01s, R01s, R21s and others studies. This additional equipment will address an important unmet need in the Thika site laboratory, benefitting several projects and a large number of investigators.

PI: Joseph Zunt
Project:  Polycom at the Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Center
Improved communication with colleagues in Thailand will enhance our upcoming HIV workshop by allowing us to follow up with additional video-based training at low cost. Collaborative research efforts between Southeast Asian institutions will also be improved by a more reliable videoconferencing system.  

PI: John Kinuthua
Project: Cervical Cancer Prevention at the Kenyatta National Hospital Discordant Couples Clinic
Cervical cancer is a leading cause of mortality among women in Africa, especially in HIV-positive women. This award will purchase colposcopy and cryotherapy equipment for the Discordant Couples Clinic at Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya. This equipment would improve capacity to prevent cervical cancer and respond more effectively to an important women’s health problem. With a colposcope, we could follow-up VIA or cytological abnormalities with a biopsy, facilitating definitive diagnosis of cervical pathology to guide treatment. Both machines are important long term investments for ongoing and future research at DCC. We can reduce cervical cancer mortality in our population through more effective prevention.

PI: Kenneth Sherr
Project: Conference room improvements at the Beira Operations Research Center
With leadership from UW faculty, the Beira Operations Research Center (CIOB) was developed as a satellite of the Mozambique Ministry of Health’s National Institutes of Health to coordinate and build capacity for implementation research in the 4 central provinces of the country. Research conducted through the CIOB focuses on understanding and improving health systems, crossing scientific disciplines and thematic concentrations. Currently the CIOB meeting room which houses meetings, protocol reviews as well as scientific research trainings and conferences can currently only seat 15 people at shared tables. Through CFAR support, 18 desks and 54 chairs will be purchased for the conference room. 

PI: Benson Singa
Project: Server improvements at the Kenya Medical Research Institute to support UW Kenya

The University of Washington and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) have a long history of successful collaboration in research and training, spanning over 2 decades. The KEMRI/UW working group consisting of both KEMRI and University of Washington investigators and collaborators currently houses the UW-Kenya organization secretariat which oversees financial as well as Human Resource administrative issues for all UW-Kenya projects.  This project will upgrade the data and IT Infrastructure at the KEMRI/UW Offices to sustain the functions of both the KEMRI-UW working group and UW-Kenya secretariat office.

PI: Rose Bosire
Project: Paediatrics Research Laboratory equipment (Automated ELISA microplate washer) for University of Nairobi
These funds will be used to purchase and install an Automated ELISA microplate washer.  The plate washer will increase the volume of assays that can be conducted in the laboratory since plates can be washed while others are processing.  The plate washer isprogrammable to many variations of ELISA washes, up to 75 programs, which greatly decreased the burden on lab staff.

PI: Carey Farquhar & Peter Cherutich
Project: Establishing a scalable Open Data Kit server solution for Kenya National AIDS & STI Control Programme
This proposal would establish a scalable ODK server solution for CFAR projects in Kenya. This would lower the barrier-to-entry substantially for this modern approach to field data collection for the CFAR community. This will be accomplished by purchasing a single computer server, containing a base image of a single ODK server, with the capacity to clone-on-demand this base image using virtualization technology, essentially simulating individual servers for new research projects as they are needed.

PI: Scott McClelland
Project: Clinical Trials Research Laboratory equipment (dry chemistry analyzer and automatic pipettes) for University of Nairobi
To optimize the laboratory for smaller studies, a combination of different technology and replacement of aging equipment is needed. Specific needs include a dry chemistry analyzer and replacement of a set of automatic pipettes. A dry chemistry analyzer is ideal for smaller studies. It provides an inexpensive method for processing smaller numbers of samples and avoids bundling required assays with additional testing that is not needed. This equipment will be used to perform a range of human blood chemistries needed for diagnosis, treatment, and safe drug administration for participants in our research. For studies with participant numbers in the hundreds, this is an economical way of performing these tests, reducing costs by 60 to 80%.

PI: Manuel VIllaran & Ann Duerr
Project: Upgrade in virtual communication capabilities (SharePoint technology) for Asoc. Civil Impacta Salud y Educacion
SharePoint technology allows creating personalized websites according to the individual’s profile, administered and secured by the institution, however fed by the user. The acquisition of SharePoint technology will improve the researchers’ capability to store, organize, access, transmit and share information in a more agile manner, without depending on external sources. The software allows a more personalized way to access information with the added value of institutional security systems, both physical and virtual, considering that Impacta handles confidential information from study participants. According to Impacta’s structure and number of active protocols, the mentioned technology will smooth and ease timely communication within the institution and key collaborators.

PI:  Casper, Corey
Project:  Space renovations to house a new generator at the Uganda Cancer Institute
This award funds space renovations to house a new generator for the production of liquid nitrogen and to assist with its installation in the renovated facility. The liquid nitrogen from this generator will be used to support CFAR and other research activities at the site in Uganda.

PI:  Chung, Michael
Project:  Purchase of Teleform software for use at the Coptic Hope Center for Infectious Diseases

These funds will be used to purchase the Teleform software system to keep up with the huge volume of data that is being entered given the existing and upcoming clinical trials being conducted at the Center. It will reduce data-entry errors and increase the capacity of database management and analysis.

PI:  Gottlieb, Geoffrey
Project:  Funds to set up and validate assays onsite at the Clinique des Maladies Infectieus, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar

This award will be used to help set-up and validate the HIV-2, HIV-1 and other m2000 assays onsite in Senegal, which will have a profound impact on their ability to conduct ongoing studies both for patient/subject management and ART decisions.

PI:  Obimbo, Elizabeth
Project:  Establishing a negative pressure room to collect induced sputum samples at Kenyatta National Hospital

This award funds the establishment of a negative pressure room for the purpose of collecting induced sputum samples, which will build current and future research capacity for studies involving pediatric TB/HIV.

PI:  Patterson, Janna
Project:  Purchase of Freezerworks Basic 7.0 software for use at Bondo and Ahero District Hospitals

The funds for Freezerworks Basic 7.0 software will allow multiple users to simultaneously archive samples, increasing the speed of receiving samples and decreasing the potential for a backlog of samples, records, or results.

PI:  Frenkel, Lisa & Chung, Michael
Equipment to Implement Oligonucleotide-Ligation-Assay (OLA) at Coptic Hope Center
This award allows for the purchase of equipment to implement rapid, inexpensive testing for HIV-drug-resistance by OLA, a low cost assay. Assays cannot currently be performed in the Kenyan laboratory and specimens must be shipped to Seattle, which is both expensive and time consuming. Transferring this technology to the Coptic Hope Center in Nairobi will save time and money, as well as promote the development of human capacity in Kenya.

PI:  McClelland, Scott
Roof Repairs at Coast Provincial Hospital
This award funds roof repairs over laboratory and conference space to protect valuable samples and equipment for the University of Washington / University of Nairobi HIV & STD Research Project in Mombasa.  The site benefits a large number of CFAR-affiliated investigators and projects.





Before and after photos of the hospital roof

PI:  Nakku-Joloba, Edith & Baeten, Jared
Setting up a Telecommunication System within the Center for Excellence for Discordant Couples
These funds will be used to purchase a telecommunication and conferencing system to use within the new Center for Excellence in Kasangati. The Center for Excellence is being built in part by funds from a CFAR Major Infrastructure Award to Dr. Connie Celum.


PI:  Unger, Jennifer
Solar Panels for Alternative and Sustainable Power at the Ahero sub-District Hospital
Solar panels will be purchased and installed with the funds from this infrastructure award. They will provide a reliable and continuous energy source to computers and laboratory equipment at the research site.


PI:  Zunt, Joseph & Alarcon, Jorge & Centurion, Arturo
Back-Up Generator for the Instituto de Medicina Tropical of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
A back-up generator is needed at this STI laboratory in Lima to ensure a stable electricity supply for work and reliable storage of biological samples for projects between the University of Washington and the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.

PI:  Bosire, Rose
Document Archive Room at Kenya Medical Research Institute 
This infrastructure award funds a dedicated study document archive for UW-affiliated projects that meets international standards and requirements for protection of information obtained from research participants.

PI:  Chung, Michael
Thermocycler and Plate Reader for Oligo-Nucleotide-Ligation-Assay Capacity at Coptic Hope Center 
This award funds the purchase of two pieces of equipment, a thermocycler and plate reader that will allow the site to increase technologic capacity and train more Kenyans in both laboratory work and clinical research.  Members of a UW lab will train Kenyan personnel on-site to set-up and validate the assay; and will assist in ongoing quality control with regular validation of laboratory assay performance under standards required for CLIA-certification.  The new equipment will allow for future studies focused on HIV-drug resistance or other pathogens for which PCR and/or the plate reader are used to generate data.


Before and after photos of the lab

PI:  Kinuthia, John
Study and Clinic Space in Western Kenya 
This award funds the creation of private space for interviews and examinations, an area for the collection of blood and genital specimens, a space for laboratory functions, a small office area for secure storage of data and study administration, and expansion of existing specimen storage capacity and new cold storage equipment in the clinics.

Before and after photos at the Bondo District Hospital

PI:  Mugo, Nelly
Generator for Back-up Power at the Thika Partners Study Clinic 
The Thika Partners Study Clinic was established in 2006 as an UW International Clinical Research Center (ICRC) site. The clinic pharmacy and specimen storage refrigerator require strict temperature control, data are transmitted via internet and all other office equipment is dependent on adequate regular power supply. The local power and lighting company has a high frequency of power outages, particularly in the dry season due to low water levels (much of the power supply is hydroelectric). With power rationing common, this award funds an automatic generator for provision of a consistent back-up power supply.

PI:  Zunt, Joseph
Central Step-down Transformer and Voltage Stabilizer for Universidad Nacional Mayor San Marcos STI Laboratory
Through CFAR International Core support, the Institute received a donation of laboratory equipment from the ICOS Corporation. An electrical substation with high capacity connection to the STI laboratory has been installed, but there is no central step-down transformer to convert 220v to 110v required for the equipment donated by ICOS, nor is there a voltage stabilizer that would reduce the chances of damage to laboratory equipment from the frequent voltage surges in Lima, Peru. This award funds purchase and installation of a central step-down transformer and voltage stabilizer to accommodate the STI laboratory equipment.  

PI:  Payne, Barbara
Improvements to freezers for specimen storage for the University of Nairobi Pediatrics Department 
The infrastructure award will enable the laboratory to install a data logger temperature monitoring and alarm system for the -80 freezers and liquid nitrogen tanks in the repository and install an oxygen depletion monitor before relocation of the laboratory’s existing liquid nitrogen tanks into the new repository.

PI:  Farquhar, Carey
ect:  NGO Registration and Legal Fees for the formation of UW-Kenya 
The University of Washington is in an ongoing process of establishing a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Kenya to facilitate current and future research: UW-Kenya.  This award funds a portion of legal and registration fees associated with establishing the NGO.  Establishment of the NGO will reduce overall costs across projects in Kenya since UW-Kenya will distribute administrative, fiscal and human resources for conducting research in Kenya amongst the various projects.

PI:  Kinuthia, John
Project:  Facilitating Study Space at Ahero Subdistrict Hospital

The funds from the infrastructure award were used to purchase a 40 feet container that was placed at Ahero sub-District Hospital. The container was partitioned to create 4 rooms, 2 to be used for clinical procedures, a laboratory and the data office.
Study space at Ahero sub-district hospital before and after award

PI:  McClelland, Scott 
Project:  Facilitation of Water Supply at the Ganjoni Clinic 
The municipal water supply at the University of Washington/Un iversity of Nairob i Collaborative for HIV /STD Research, which has been failing in the Ganjoni neighborho od over the past decade, leaves clinical staff without water on most days. This project funded placement of a bore hole to access the supply of ground water, benefitting resear chers, staff, and participants as well as municipal staff working at the clinic. This infrastructure award  has been transformative for the Ganjoni site, which now has an abundant supply of water for all needs.



PI:  Chung, Michael
Project:  Ensuring safety of samples at the Coptic Hope Center Laboratory

This award purchased a C02 freezer backup system to preserve valuable samples in the event of power outage and generator failure. The backup system has been a very useful device in that it has enabled has to consistently maintain the samples at the required temperatures despite the frequent power fluctuations. (Freezer backup system is visible above the freezer).


PI:  Morris, Martina
Project:  Promoting New Technologies in Data Collection
The University of Nairobi – Center for HIV Prevention and Research (UoNCHPR) is an NIH funded interdisciplinary center that supports several ongoing research collaborations between scientists at UW and University of Nairobi.  This award provided partial funding for purchase of hand-held PDA data collection tools that are a shared resource for HIV research projects in Kenya. Their use is coordinated by the UoNCHPR Associate Director for Research and maintained by the Center IT staff with assistance from the UW Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology Information Core in technical assistance and on-site training.  The local staff manage the allocation of PDAs across the different projects that submit requests, provide programming support on Pendragon forms, and train research project staff in the use of the PDAs.  The PDAs have been used by 4 research projects and have been in use continuously since they were delivered.