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Tala Mahmoud, MPH

Tala Mahmoud, MPH

Tala Mahmoud is the Research Coordinator at the Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) Translational Research Subcore (TRS). CFAR/TRS is located at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle Washington, one of the leading trauma centers on the West Coast. She coordinates the selection of specimens from the HIV Repository, facilitates new patient enrollment, screens potential participants, assists with IRB approval, conducts phlebotomy, and manages the consent and study forms in REDCap. Tala actively recruits and consents patients within the Madison clinic for the HIV Repository and other ongoing studies and helps with conducting study visits. Additionally, she collects and enters data from research participants, completes data quality assurance, and oversees HIV Repository patient information in our Access database.

Tala enjoys working with community members and it has greatly impacted her passion for public health. She is originally from Seattle and enjoys all things outdoors such as hiking, paddleboarding, and biking.