U.S. Census 2000 Files
CSSCR hosts Washington State census data files and related materials on our website. National data and other states can be acquired by request, please contact the data archivist at txtian@u.washington.edu.
NOTE: Before using any of the following files, please read the Census 2000 Notes and Errata Document which is updated periodically by the Census Bureau.
Census 2000 Redistricting Data [Public Law 94-171] for WA
This data contains state population counts for race and Hispanic or Latino categories. Required by law, the P.L. data are used by states for legislative redistricting.
Census 2000 Redistricting Data Tiger/Line Files for WA
The TIGER/Linefiles are extracts of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census Bureau’s TIGER database. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are specifically intended to support the needs of the redistricting community. This version of the TIGER/Line files contains all the Census 2000 entities EXCEPT FOR the ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs), nor do they contain the updated address ranges based on the final Census 2000 information. The address ranges are comparable to those in the 1999 TIGER/Line files. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files cover all counties, parishes, boroughs, census geographic areas and equivalent entities for each state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
The ESRI Arcview shape files for the redistricting data are available at http://www.geographynetwork.com/data/tiger2000/.
Census 2000 Redistricting Data Maps for WA
Three types of maps were prepared to accompany the Census 2000 Redistricting Data: County Block Maps (Census 2000), Voting District/State Legislative District Outline Maps (Census 2000), and Census Tract Outline Maps (Census 2000). The maps are in PDF format and arranged in sub-directories by map type. Within each map type sub-directory, the map files are stored in county sub-directories within the appropriate state sub-directory. Within each county folder there will be an index sheet file to help the user identify individual maps. More instructions are available at http://www.census.gov/geo/www/tiger/rd_2ktiger/pl_maps/pl_maps.html.
Summary File 1 (SF 1) for WA
Summary File 1 (SF 1) contains the 100-percent data, which is the information compiled from the questions asked of all people and about ever housing unit – the questions common to both Census 2000 Short-Form and Long-Form Questionnaires. Population items include sex, age, race, Hispanic or Latino, household relationship, and group quarters. Housing items include occupancy status, vacancy status, and tenure (owner occupied or renter occupied).
There is a total of 286 tables including 171 population tables (identified with a “P”) and 56 housing tables (identified with an “H”) shown down to the block level, and 59 population tables shown down to the census tract level (identified with a “PCT”). Population counts for 63 race categories and Hispanic/Latino groups are provided down to the blocks level.
Summary File 1 (SF1) for Nation
This catalog contains Summary Files 1 for national county level, national county and place level and national 5-digit zip code tabulation area.
Summary File 2 (SF 2) for WA
SF 2 contains 100-percent population and housing characteristics iterated for many detailed race and Hispanic/Latino categories, and American Indian and Alaska Native tribes down to the tracts level. It contains 47 detailed tables focusing on age, sex, households, families, and occupied housing units for the total population. These tables are repeated for 249 detailed population groups, no tables are available for geographic areas having a population of less than 100. Only total population, white and black groups are available on CSSCR website. Other race groups’ data can be obtained as request.
Summary File 3 (SF 3) for WA
SF 3 contains social, economic and housing information collected from people who completed the Census 2000 long-form questionnaire (about 1 in 6 households). Fifty-one tables are repeated for nine major race and Hispanic or Latino groups: White alone; Black or African American alone; American Indian and Alaska Native alone; Asian alone; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone; Some other race alone; Two or more races; Hispanic or Latino; and White alone, not Hispanic or Latino.
SF 3 provides data down to the block group for many tabulations but only down to the tract for others. It also includes data by Zip Code Tabulation Area (ZCTAs) and Congressional districts (106th Congress). The file includes 484 population tables and 329 housing tables that are identified according to geographic coverage: Population (P) and Housing (H) tables are available to the block group; Population (PCT) and Housing (HCT) tables are available to the census tract level only.
Summary File 3 (SF3) for Nation
This catalog contains Summary Files 3 for national county level, national county and place level, national 5-digit zip code tabulation area and national tract level.
Summary File 4 (SF4) for WA
SF4 contains the sample data, which is the information compiled from the long form questionnaire. It contains 213 population tables (matrices) and 110 housing tables, identified with “PCT” and “HCT”, respectively. Each table is iterated for 336 population groups: the total population, 132 race groups, 78 American Indian and Alaska Native tribe categories (reflecting 39 individual tribes), 39 Hispanic or Latino groups, and 86 ancestry groups. Only total population, white and black groups are available on CSSCR website. Other race groups’ data can be obtained as request.
1-Percent Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Files for WA
1-Percent PUMS files have state-level Census 2000 data containing individual records of the characteristics for a 1 percent sample of people and housing units who completed the long-form questionnaire. This 1-percent national characteristics file provides the maximum amount of social, economic, and housing information available. The goal of this file is to provide as close as possible the amount of detail that was in the 1990 PUMS files (and, in some cases, more detail).
To maintain the level of detail, however, the minimum geographic population threshold was raised above 100,000 (the PUMA minimum) to protect confidentiality. A new geographical entity was created–the super-PUMA. Super-PUMAs have a minimum population of 400,000 and are composed of a PUMA or PUMAs delineated on the companion state-level PUMA file. Each state is identified, and any state with a population of 800,000 or greater is subdivided into two or more super-PUMAs. The state files, which may contain one or more super-PUMAs, include geographic equivalency files that show the relationship between the super-PUMA and standard Census 2000 geographic concepts (e.g., counties, etc.). The super-PUMAs are made up of a PUMA or group of contiguous PUMAs (each PUMA must have a minimum of 100,000 population). PUMAs are only identified on the 5-percent files and not on the 1-percent files.
5-Percent Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Files
The 5-percent PUMS files have state-level Census 2000 data containing individual records of the characteristics for a 5 percent sample of people and housing units. The files contain the same social, economic and housing variables as the 1-percent PUMS.
While Super-PUMAs are the lowest geography in the 1-percent PUMS files, the lowest level of geography in the 5-percent PUMS files is the PUMA. Each super-PUMA contains a minimum population of 400,000 and each PUMA contains a minimum population threshold of 100,000. Geographic equivalency files that show the relationship between the PUMA and standard Census 2000 geographic concepts (e.g., counties, etc.) are included in the 5-percent PUMS file.
Census 2000 Special EEO Tabulations
The Special EEO File presents cross tabulations of race and ethnicity by other variables such as detailed occupation, occupational groups, sex, worksite and residence geography, educational attainment, age and industry. The File will consist of 24 separate datasets or files with each file having two versions, one for Hawaii with 15 racial categories and one for all other US areas with 12 racial categories. Geography includes nation, states, metropolitan areas, counties and places with population of 50,000+). The initial release of this Special EEO File, however, contains only 18 of the 24 datasets. The remaining 6 datasets will be released at a later date. Specifically, files 3, 10, and 16, which contain aggregations for the EEO Occupational Groups, and files 4, 11, and 17, which contain aggregations for the EEO-1 Job Categories are not available at this time.
More information on the Census 2000 Special EEO File tables and variables can be obtained from the Equal Employment Occupation Commission website.