[Ronald Magden Archive] [Publications] [Magden interview] [Photos] [Film: 1934 Strike]
Ron Magden is the author of several books, including The Working Longshoremen (written with Art Martinson) based on extensive oral history interviews with several generations of Tacoma longshoremen. Click the links to read the chapters (pdf files):
The Working Longshoremen (1991)
- Ch1: The First Tacoma Longshoremen
- Ch2: Boom and Bust
- Ch3: A New Beginning
- Ch4: The Time of Troubles
- Ch5: Fight to the Finish
- Ch6: The Scab Hall
- Ch7: Postwar Turmoil
- Ch8: Tacoma Reorganizes the Northwest
- Ch9: The 1934 Maritime Strike
- Ch10: Into the Lion's Mouth
- Ch11: Technology and Change on the Tacoma Waterfront
- Sources/ Labor and Waterfront Terms
See other Ronald Magden publications