Global WACh

HIV and Co-Infections

December 30, 2022

Researchers receive $6.6 million award to generate evidence on biological factors influencing health outcomes in HIV-exposed children

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A researcher and a child demonstrating a cognitive assessment. Credit: Sarah Benki-Nugent

Global WACh researchers and collaborators received a milestone National Institutes of Health grant award, totaling nearly $6.7 million, to generate evidence on biological factors that may cause adverse birth and neurodevelopmental outcomes in young children exposed to but uninfected with HIV (HEU). Research shows that HEU children have compromised growth, neurodevelopmental delays, and increased morbidity and mortality compared to that of unexposed, uninfected children (HUU) and Global WACh is currently involved in several studies that are examining pathways that influence these outcomes to help inform future health interventions. (more…)

June 29, 2022

New publication in the Lancet Microbe on CRISPR detection of tuberculosis in adults and children with HIV.

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Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) remains a major factor in global morbidity and mortality, especially for adults and children with HIV. Coinfection of HIV and tuberculosis is uniquely dangerous, as the depression of normal immune response to infection in persons with HIV can lead to both severe illness and the underdiagnosis of TB when using sputum-based assays. Collecting sputum from young children presents further issues. A new molecular diagnostics study by UW Global WACh in collaboration with Tulane University and other partners including Baylor College of Medicine, Baylor Children’s Foundation-Eswatini, University of Nairobi and Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, to study the effectiveness of CRISPR-based assay detection of M. tuberculosis cell-free DNA (Mtb-cfDNA) in seropositive adults and children was published in The Lancet Microbe May 2022 edition.  (more…)

August 2, 2021

Dr. Erica Lokken receives ‘First Prize Oral Presentation – Young Investigator’ Award at HIV & STI 2021 World Congress

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Dr. Erica Lokken, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Global Health, received the ‘First Prize Oral Presentation – Young Investigator’ Award at the STI & HIV 2021 World Congress for her talk titled, “Vaginal washing behavior and fecundability in Kenyan women planning pregnancies.”


July 30, 2021

Researchers share latest science at 2021 International AIDS Society Conference

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The International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference is the world’s most influential conference on HIV Science. This biennial conference presents the critical advances in basic, clinical and operational research that moves science into policy and practice.  See a round-up of seven excellent abstracts by Global WACh researchers that were featured at this year’s conference!


May 21, 2021

A sneak peek of Global WACh research at summer conferences 2021

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Faculty, staff, students, and collaborators representing Global WACh’s research are invited to present their findings at large annual conferences this summer.  We’ve rounded up some abstracts of interest, with more information to come!

If you are attending any of these scientific gatherings, be sure to add these presentations to your calendars!  Refer to the title or reference numbers to find the presentation date and time in the program guides.


May 14, 2021

Dr. Sylvia LaCourse appointed to CDC-NIH-HIVMA/IDSA Pregnancy Review Group


Dr. Sylvia LaCourse, Assistant Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Global Health, Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has been appointed to the Pregnancy Review Group of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, and HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (CDC-NIH-HIVMA/IDSA) Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in Adults and Adolescents with HIV.

The Pregnancy Review Group reviews available data and provides recommendations for the prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections for pregnant and lactating persons.

May 10, 2021

Research Trainee Dickins Onyango receives UW TB Research and Training Award

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Global WACh’s trainee, Dr. Dickins Onyango of the Kisumu County Department of Health in Kenya, received a UW-Kenya Tuberculosis Research and Training Program (KTRTP) Trainee Award that recognizes the efforts of early-career scientists who have made significant contributions to the entire spectrum of TB research.  This award provides support for educational expenses including conference registration, publication expenses, or educational materials.

With the award, Dickens presented a lecture at the 5th Annual UW Tuberculosis Symposium entitled, “Sub-optimal biomarker-confirmed adherence and correlates of nonadherence to isoniazid preventive therapy in children living with HIV in western Kenya,” held on March 23 and 24, 2021.   Congratulations, Dickins!

April 9, 2021

New grant award supports a tuberculosis and HIV co-infections training program in Kenya

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A collaborative team leading a new TB and HIV training program in Kenya includes Thomas Hawn, Elizabeth Obimbo, Videlis Nduba, David Horne, Sylvia LaCourse, and Ksenia Koon

Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV are two deadly infectious diseases causing complex, intertwined epidemics.  TB is especially life-threatening to people living with HIV who have weakened immune systems.  Treating TB and HIV simultaneously is possible with services that have traditionally treated one illness over the other.  The integration of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment programs can reduce the impact of the HIV epidemic on TB incidence and the burden of TB in HIV-infected individuals.

Despite progress in collaborative TB/HIV activities, there is still an urgent need for the research and development of new tools and strategies to accelerate progress towards TB and HIV elimination. (more…)

February 23, 2021

Researchers plan to present latest HIV science at virtual CROI 2021

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The Conference on Retroviral Opportunistic Infections (CROI) is an annual forum for scientists and clinical investigators to present, discuss, and critique their investigations into the epidemiology and biology of human retroviruses and associated diseases.  Every year, many Global WACh researchers present their study findings, contributing to the accelerating global progress in HIV and AIDS research.

This year, CROI will be held online from March 6-10, 2021.  We have compiled a list of Science Spotlight presentations and an oral symposia presentation that our researchers are presenting.  See their presentations at the conference and visit our blog next month when we feature the full abstract summaries and authors! (more…)

November 30, 2020

Global WACh welcomes new staff members

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Despite working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, our researchers continue to lead innovative studies with local and international partners to improve woman, adolescent, and child health, and to our delight, even receive funding to launch new studies!  We are pleased to introduce the newest members to join the Global WACh team.  Meet them below and click on their names to read their full profiles! (more…)

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