Global WACh


December 14, 2023

Book Talk – “Enough: Because We Can Stop Cervical Cancer”

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On December 7th, Global WACh hosted an engaging book talk around Dr. Linda Eckert’s upcoming book, Enough: Because We Can Stop Cervical Cancer.  The book is a passionate call to action to eliminate needless deaths from cervical cancer, by combatting healthcare inequities women face.  The book is available to pre-order where ever one gets books.

If you missed the event, watch it here:

Learn about other opportunities to learn about the book and discuss cervical cancer:

November 29, 2023

Dr. Kirk Tickell joins the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Childhood Wasting and Oedema

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Congratulations Dr. Kirk Tickell, MBBS, MPH, PhD, Acting Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Health, who recently joined the Research Sub-Working Group of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Childhood Wasting and Oedema that advises on important research questions and prioritization in this field. Dr. Tickell joins a multidisciplinary group of experts and key stakeholders with the goal of advising WHO on a broad range of topics and issues related to acute malnutrition to improve the delivery of care and preventative interventions for malnourished children and their families. This convening supports the WHO’s new guideline to tackle acute malnutrition in children under five. (more…)

August 18, 2023

DeWorm3 study publishes new papers, contributing to research on interrupting parasitic worms through community-wide mass drug administration

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DeWorm3 study collaborators meeting with community members.

The DeWorm3 research team continues to contribute to their body of research on the feasibility of interrupting soil-transmitted helminth (STH) transmission through community-wide mass drug administration (cMDA) in Benin, Malawi and India. Three new publications to highlight include the “Soil-transmitted helminth surveillance in Benin: A mixed-methods analysis of factors influencing non-participation in longitudinal surveillance activities”, the “Overestimation of school-based deworming coverage resulting from school-based reporting” in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases and “Policy stakeholder perspectives on barriers and facilitators to launching a community-wide mass drug administration program for soil-transmitted helminths” in the BMC Global Health Research and Policy.

July 6, 2023

SEEMS-Nutrition researchers share costing analyses of nutrition-sensitive programs at ANH Academy Week

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In June, researchers from the Strengthening Economic Evaluation for Multisectoral Strategies for Nutrition (SEEMS-Nutrition) project attended the 8th annual Agriculture, Nutrition & Health (ANH) Academy Week held online and in-person in Lilongwe, Malawi.  The ANH Academy Week gathers a community of researchers, practitioners and policymakers working at the intersection of agriculture, food systems, nutrition, and health to foster knowledge exchange, innovation, and learning.

SEEMS-Nutrition Project Director, Dr. Carol Levin (Health Economist and Associate Professor, Global Health), and graduate student research assistants, Esther Choo and Aisha Twalibu, represented the University of Washington/Global WACh.  They, along with colleagues from Helen Keller International (HKI) and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), shared two posters and one oral presentation from costing analyses and a synthesis of costs from ongoing nutrition interventions in Nepal (focusing on women and children’s nutrition) and Burkina Faso (focusing on increased poultry production to improve nutrition). (more…)

June 14, 2023

New study aims to identify barriers to implementing national sickle cell disease management guidelines in Kenya

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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a multi-system, life-threatening condition characterized by chronic anemia, frequent episodes of painful vaso-occlusive crises, organ infarction and eventually widespread organ damage. Over 80% of the 240,000 children born with SCD in sub-Sahara Africa each year die before their fifth birthday. Despite the existence of evidence-informed guidelines around the use of disease modifying interventions necessary for the management of SCD, guideline implementation in the region is suboptimal leading to preventable morbidity and mortality. (more…)

June 6, 2023

Global WACh Student Poster Symposium celebrates and highlights student achievements over the academic year

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Members of the UW global health community gathered at the poster symposium in the Hans Rosling Center.

On June 1st, Global WACh hosted its first Student Poster Symposium to showcase scientific results by affiliated graduate student researchers and celebrate their achievements over the academic year. This hour-long event provided an opportunity for current students to share project summaries related to academic requirements (e.g. dissertation, capstone) or as Research Assistants supporting ongoing projects. Some posters were created for the event, while others were previously featured at other scientific conferences and could be accessible to the UW global health community. Faculty, staff, and students attended to view the posters and chat with the students to learn more about their contributions that help advance Global WACh’s science in collaboration with partner organizations. (more…)

June 1, 2023

Global WACh PhD trainees defend dissertations

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This Spring Quarter, three doctoral students who have spent their PhD journeys with Global WACh, defended their dissertations leveraging research conducted in collaboration with partner institutions in Kenya. We are thankful for their contributions to advance our science and for the privilege to provide them with mentorship and training support. Congratulations to all! (more…)

May 26, 2023

Global WACh participates in the DGH LAPIS Symposium

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On May 19th in the Hans Rosling Center, the Learning for Action in Policy Implementation and Health Systems (LAPIS) Initiative–a resource hub aiming to foster collaboration across the Department of Global Health and support the integration of health policy or health systems objectives into research grants and training–held its first event in the Global Health Systems and Policy Implementation Symposium Series.  The event included lightning talk sessions, poster abstract sessions, and opportunities for networking. Multiple centers, programs, and initiatives of the department, including Global WACh, participated in the symposium to showcase their efforts in health systems strengthening, policy implementation research, and education and training. (more…)

May 23, 2023

New grant explores biological pathways associated with growth outcomes in HIV-exposed uninfected infants for future interventions

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(Top row) Drs. David Taylor Hendrixson and Christine McGrath.
(Bottom row) Drs. Grace John-Stewart and Benson Singa.

Dr. David Taylor Hendrixson, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics – Divisions of Neonatology and Pediatric Infectious Diseases, received a two-year Pilot and Feasibility (P&F) Research Awards supported by the UW Medicine Diabetes Institute, Diabetes Research Center, and Nutrition and Obesity Research Center. The project is in collaboration with Drs. Christine McGrath and Grace John-Stewart (UW Department of Global Health), Dr. Benson Singa (UW-KEMRI), and the UW Northwest Metabolomics Research Center. (more…)

May 19, 2023

Predoctoral researcher Tessa Concepcion receives award to support integration of long-acting PrEP methods into antenatal care in Kenya

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Tessa Concepcion, a second-year PhD student in the Global Health Implementation Science Program, recently received a National Institutes of Health grant to fund her predoctoral research with Global WACh at UW and Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) in Kenya.

The three-year grant titled, “Planning for delivery of novel PrEP formulations to pregnant and postpartum women in Kenya,” leverages the ongoing mWACh-PrEP randomized trial (MPIs: John Kinuthia, KNH and Jillian Pintye, UW)—a SMS-based support intervention to enhance PrEP adherence during pregnancy through the postpartum period—to identify pregnant and postpartum women’s preferences for novel PrEP agents and identify early process indicators for implementing these options in MCH systems. This proposal was guided by the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation and Sustainment (EPIS) framework to answer questions related to implementation of LA-PrEP for pregnant and postpartum women in Kenya. (more…)

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