Global WACh

Talks and Events

January 7, 2016

Breakfast with WACh with Dr. Christy McKinney


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Christy McKinney PhD, MPH just joined Global WACh as part of our lecture series with an exciting presentation on The NIFTY™ Cup: A Neonatal Intuitive Feeding Technology for Infants who have Difficulty Breastfeeding in Low-Resource Settings.

McKinney_Christy_PhotoDr. McKinney is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Oral Health Sciences and the Academic Research Coach for the Division of Internal Medicine at the University of Washington. She received her MPH from Tulane University in 2002 and her PhD from the University of Washington in 2006, both in epidemiology. She is the recipient of an NIH Institute for Translational Health Sciences KL2 career development award, which she completed in 2014.

Her research areas include the etiology of oral clefts, feeding infants with breastfeeding difficulties, bisphenol A in dental materials, and the application of research methods in clinical contexts. She is the recipient of an NIH R01 to conduct a prospective cohort study to examine the extent to which children are exposed to bisphenol A during dental treatment. She is co-Principal Investigator of a recently awarded Saving Lives at Birth Grand Challenges grant award that involves evaluating the Neonatal Intuitive Feeding Technology (NIFTY™) cup in Ethiopia. In her role as Academic Research Coach she provides research methods and implementation guidance to over 30 faculty and 30 different research projects.

You can view her entire presentation below.

December 9, 2015

Breakfast with WACh with Dr. Assaye Nigussie


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For this Breakfast with WACh lecture we welcomed Dr. Assaye Kassie Nigussie, Deputy Director, Country Implementation, Newborn & Child Health at Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

FullSizeRenderDr. Nigussie, an Ethiopian national, is a Medical Doctor and a qualified Pediatrician from Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India. Dr. Nigussie has over 20 years of experience in Pediatric Medicine and Neonatology, initially as a clinical instructor, practicing physician and Newborn and Child health researcher, and later as program manager for health programs focusing on Maternal, Neonatal, Child health and health systems. He brings both specific newborn expertise and a wealth of program implementation experiences across the MNCH continuum. He is currently working at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as the Deputy Director of Country Implementation on the MNCH team.

Below, you can view Dr. Nigussie’s entire presentation on Evidence-Based Strategy Planning for MNCH: Country Experience.


November 6, 2015

Breakfast with WACh with Simon Hay


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Last Thursday, Global WACh was excited to welcome Simon Hay of the Institute for Health metrics and Evaluation as part of our Breakfast with WACh lecture series. He did an excellent presentation on Global Mapping of Infectious Disease.

You can view the entire presentation below.


haySimon Hay is a Professor of Global Health at the University of Washington and Director of Geospatial Science at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). His career has focused on spatial and temporal aspects of infectious disease epidemiology to support the more rational implementation of disease control and intervention strategies. His best known work is focused on accurately defining human populations at risk of malaria and its burden at global, regional and national scales through the co-founding of the Malaria Atlas Project. He now leads an international collaboration of researchers, from a wide variety of academic disciplines, with the objective of improving the outputs and outcomes of infectious disease cartography.


September 8, 2015

New Lecture Series: Breakfast with WACh with Dr. Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli


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Please join Global WACh as we welcome Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli MBBS, MSc of the World Health Organization as part of our new Breakfast with WACh lecture series.

chandramouliDr. Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli is an expert in adolescent sexual and reproductive health. He has worked for the World Health Organization in Geneva since 1993. His experience in generating knowledge and taking knowledge to action is global in scope and spans over 25 years.  A key area of his work is research on effective ways of providing sexuality education in different social, cultural and economic contexts, and then using these research findings to strengthen sexuality education programs in low and middle income countries.


October 8th 9-10 AM University of Washington, South Campus Center Room 354

Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Why is there so much discomfort about it?  What are the implications for public health and health care professionals?

For more information please see this flyer.

For the full filmed presentation, please visit this link.


August 11, 2015

WACh Research Racks Up Awards at IAS Conference

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In late July, Global WACh sent several team members to Vancouver for the 8th Annual IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis Treatment and Prevention. Our researchers presented posters highlighting woman, adolescent, and child health and Kristjana Asbjornstottir, Irene Njuguna, and Keshet Ronen took home awards recognizing their excellent work!

Kristjana received the The IAS/ANRS Lange-Van Tongeren Prize for Young Investigators for her project Immune Activation ped HIV.

Kristjana with Dr. Beyrer from Johns Hopkins and Dr. Delfraissy from ANRS France who presented her with the award
Kristjana with Dr. Beyrer from Johns Hopkins and Dr. Delfraissy from ANRS France who presented her with the award

Kristjana shared her thoughts about winning this prestigious award saying:

Giving a talk at IAS was an incredible opportunity in itself, and having our work recognized through the Young Investigator award on top of that is an enormous honor. I think it highlights the particular attention that was paid to pediatric research at the conference this year. Lots of UW research was featured in various tracks and sessions.

Irene Njuguna was the recipient of the CIPHER Award (Collaborative Initiative for Paediatric HIV Education and Research) which is granted to provide funding for research that addresses priority gaps in pediatric HIV. Without treatment, 50% of HIV infected children will die by the age of two so early diagnosis and treatment is crucial.

The Financial Incentives to increase HIV testing in children (FIT) study that Irene and the team have been working with wants to test to see if small financial incentives will increase HIV testing for children of HIV infected adults who are already in care.

This award is a result of hard work from the team, and I feel honored to be part of this team. This would not be possible without the excellent mentorship from Grace John-Stewart, Jennifer Slyker and Anjuli Wagner.

All of our Global WACh members gave poster presentations for the conference, and Keshet Ronen won an award for Best Poster for her research on Lower ANC Attendance and PMTCT Uptake in Adolescent versus Adult Pregnant Women in Kenya.


Keshet Ronen and her award winning poster

Let’s hear it for our award winning Global WACh team!


July 17, 2015

Global WACh at IAS 2015

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UW Global Health and Global WACh will be attending the 8th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis Treatment & Prevention July 19th – 22nd, and we’re there in full force. Below are the oral presentations you don’t want to miss!

Monday at 11:00am  Kristjana Asbjornsdottir will present  Immune activation and pediatric HIV during the Growing up on ART session (Ballroom B)

Wednesday at 11:00am Anjuli Wagner will present Pediatric HIV testing during the Children and Adolescents Living with HIV session (Room 211-214)

Wednesday at 11:00am Keshet Ronen will present Adolescent PMTCT engagement during the Children and Adolescents Living with HIV session (Room 211-214)

Global Health and Global WACh team members will also be at the poster presentations, and we even have a few award winners in the bunch! Kristjana Asbjornsdottir will be honored with the IAS Young Investigator Award, Irene Njuguna will receive a CIPHER Award, Keshet Ronen will be getting a Best Poster award for her Pediatric IAS Meeting poster. Congratulations to all of them!

Click here for the full Global WACh IAS schedule and here for more information about IAS 2015.

May 7, 2015

The Next Big Thing


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nextbigthingimageIt’s that time of year again for our 3rd annual “Next Big Thing” end-of-year event. The evening will be dedicated to highlighting the achievements of our scholars, and certificate students. We will start off in Foege auditorium with Dr. Judith Wasserheit speaking, followed by brief highlights from our Scholars and their various projects around the world.  We will then move upstairs to Vista Café to enjoy some refreshments while looking at the Global WACh certificate student posters.  Click here to read more about a few of the great students that will be presenting.

Here are the details!

Date: Wednesday, May 27th 2015

Place: UW Campus | William H. Foege Building | Foege Auditorium


5:30-6:30 p.m. 
Presentations from:
Annie Hoopes, MD (WHO Scholar)
Emily Robinson and Kate Fizenmaier (SCOPE Scholars)
Our recent Seed Grant Awardees
Dr. Judith Wasserheit, Chair, Department of Global Health

6:30-7:30 p.m. – Light Reception & Student Posters in the Vista Cafe.

March 23, 2015

Dr. Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli of WHO Presents at Global WACh

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This week we were pleased to have Dr. Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli here at Global WACh for an amazing presentation on adolescent and sexual reproductive health.

Since the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in 1994 there have been tremendous changes made throughout the world in which adolescents live. Lowered infant mortality, a decrease in poverty, and better access to clean drinking water are just a few examples of things that have improved. Progress where it comes to adolescent sexual health however hasn’t been quite as successful, and often inadequate commitment, discomfort, or limited funding and resources stand in the way of such changes.

“When you have huge fires burning like childhood or maternal mortality, or HIV, adolescent sexual and reproductive health is talked about as one of the many priorities but is not given the attention it needs.”

Dr. Chandra-Mouli  works in the World Health Organization’s Department of Reproductive Health and Research and seeks to create evidence based policy changes and programs. You can view his entire presentation below.


December 12, 2014

Global WACh’s Launch of Special Supplement of the Journal of Adolescent Health

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IMG954556_resizedThere are 1.8 billion adolescents in the world today. That’s a tremendous number of youth that are at a crucial point of transition in their lives.  1.4 million adolescents die each year from causes such as early pregnancy, sexual violence, unsafe abortions, and HIV and other STIs. Yet adolescence is often overlooked in policy making,  particularly in low income, high risk settings, and the global health of adolescents is not improving at the rate it should.

Last night Global WACh was proud to sponsor the launch of a Special Supplement of the Journal of Adolescent Health. This marks the 20th anniversary of the the landmark Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).

We had some truly amazing speakers on hand to have a conversation on ways of improving the health and well-being of adolescents globally. The speakers and a tremendous student panel shared their experiences and discussed how investing in adolescent friendly health services, comprehensive sex education, supportive environments, violence prevention, and youth participation can help adolescents transition into happy and healthy adults.

If you missed our livestream of the event, you can go to the following link and watch the recorded version. Thanks to all our speakers, students, and attendees that helped make this launch a great success!

Watch the presentation here.


November 21, 2014

Two Great Back to Back Adolescent Lectures



Please join Global WACh for two fantastic events focusing on the health of adolescents and women.

Journal of Adolescent Health Special Issue Launch
With Drs. Donna Denno, Annie Hoopes, Grace John-Stewart, and Judy Wasserheit.

Thursday, December 11, 2014
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Event | 5:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Reception
W.H. Foege Building | Room N130
3720 15th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105

 Join authors Drs. Donna Denno and Annie Hoopes, along with Global WACh Director Dr. Grace John-Stewart and UW’s Department of Global Health Chair Dr. Judy Wasserheit, for a discussion about the global status of adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights. The event will include a series of presentations and a panel of global health professionals with first-hand experience discussing the realities in settings around the world, followed by a short reception.

 FLYER_adohealthlaunch v6

Migration/Mobility and Early Sex Exchange as Social Determinants of Marginalized Women and Adolescents’ Health
With Dr. Shira Goldenberg

 Tuesday, December 16th
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Harborview Ninth and Jefferson Building | 13th floor | Room 1360
325 Ninth Ave, Seattle, WA 98104

 This lecture will illustrate the critical roles of early sex exchange and migration/mobility patterns in shaping health inequalities related to HIV/STIs, substance use, and access to care for marginalized women and adolescents. Drawing on evidence from epidemiological and qualitative studies conducted with women and adolescents involved in the sex industry in Mexico, Guatemala, and Canada, this lecture will highlight the need for policy changes and multi-level interventions to promote the health of migrant/mobile women and adolescents who exchange sex.


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